Be Smart.

Be Smart.

(+62) HE/HIM. INFP-T.

Before you set foot on the same area of stage then shouting out, you better read all this tip-off slowly and literately so you cannot get lost :

. BYI! English is not my first language so I hope you can understand. I issue harshwords and I don't put any CW/TW for that. I barely talk about my everyday life and some kind of random shit.

. DNI! If you're -14/+25 unless i interact first that's mean you're save. Hard to interact, racism, homophobic, any religionphobic, intolerant, judgemental, can't respect each other, hate my fave with no reason, and grammar police.

P.S. If you feel uncomfy with any chance feel free to get off from this channel. Before that, don't forget to remove me from yours ; (@Kfing).

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