Basic Phrases

Basic Phrases


Introducing Yourself.

In order to introduce yourself, you may need the following phrases.

🔹 Меня зовут ... ("men-ya za-voot") - My name is ...

🔹 Как вас зовут? ("kak vas za-voot") - What is your name?

🔹 Очень приятно ("och-en pree-yat-na") - Pleased to meet you.

How are you?

The most natural way to ask someone how they are in Russian is to ask: "how are things?"

🔹 Как дела? - How are things?

🔹 Хорошо спасибо - Good/Well thank-you

🔹 Плохо - Bad

Saying Good-Bye.

There are also two words for saying good-bye.

🔹 До свидания ("da-svee-da-nee-ye") - Good-bye. (The до is pronounced as if it is part of the next word)

🔹 Пока ("pa-ka") - Bye (Informal, slang)

Asking about languages

When you are asking a yes/no question in Russian, there is no difference between the question and the statement, except for the question mark. When you are speaking Russian you should ask questions in a different tone. The tone of your voice should rise if you are asking a question. If you are making a statement your tone will naturally fall. You may find that you actually do this in English without meaning to. If all else fails, put a real questioning expression on your face.

🔹 Вы говорите по-английски? - Do you (formal) speak English?

🔹 Вы говорите по-русски? - Do you (formal) speak Russian?

🔹 Я говорю по-английски - I speak English

🔹 Я говорю по-русски - I speak Russian

🔹 Я понимаю - I understand

🔹 Я не понимаю - I don't understand

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