Giūliø ♨️

Player Profile

( 🔰 Profile ) on this page you can see all the info about the player.

  • Telegram ID, @username, first name and registration date.
  • Current level, current experience / required experience (for the next level), coins, diamonds.
  • House and Darkness Pass.
  • Abilities.


Shows player progress in 🔥 Infernal Odyssey 🔥. Level can be upgraded by obtaining experience, which increases every time you fight against NPCs in ( ⚔️ Fighting ) section with 🗡Attack or 🍫 Energy Bars button. Currently, there is no maximum level.


💪🏻 Strength -> Affects your dealt damage in wars and against world bosses. increases the coins gained defeating NPCs (Maximum level 999).

📖 Education -> Increases the experience gained defeating NPCs and while using Energy Bars (Maximum level 999) and increase the number of items you can collect on expeditions.

🛡 Endurance -> Every new point of this ability slightly increases each stat of player and decreases the time spent on expeditions (Maximum level 999).

🎲 Luck -> Increases the chance that ⚗️ Alchemy of Souls and 🎴 Talents will not fail (Maximum level 100).


On ( 🎒 Inventory ) section you can use and create items. Currently, there is no maximum number of items that can be obtained. Below is a list of the items that can be obtained:

  • 🍫 Energy Bars - Probably the most valuable item in the game. It allows you to attack instantly (without 10 minute countdown), greatly increasing the experience and the coins obtained. This item can be created by spending diamonds.
  • 💊 Otherworldly Pill - Instantly provides a considerable amount of experience to the player.
  • 🔥 Soul - This item is used as a consumable item in the alchemy of souls.
  • 💠 Crystal Fragment - Crystal Fragment are used to form talent cards.
  • 🍄 Magic Mushrooms - This particular item allows you to slightly increase attack, experience and coins during combat, defeating emissaries and in wars.


Rest now, my warrior..

The house automatically generates 💰 coins (every 60/seconds) for 72 hours. With the 💰 Pick Up button it will be possible to withdraw profits and reset the counter again.

It is possible to increase the profits generated by the house, by spending 💎 diamonds and 💰 coins or by increasing the player's levels.


This is the main section of the game. Through this menu it is possible to progress in the game. With the 🗡Attack button it will be possible to fight against some NPCs to get 🔶 experience and 💰 coins. You can only launch an attack every 10 minutes.

Here, you can use 🍫 Energy Bars button for attack instantly, greatly increasing the experience and the coins obtained.

In this menu it is possible to activate the ⏱ Automatic Mode. An attack will be launched every 10 minutes. Automatic mode is automatically deactivated after 24 hours. Automatic mode is only available to 🎖 Darkness Pass holders.


You can undertake expeditions to collect items. Shipping time varies based on the player's 🛡 Endurance level while the number of items that can be collected depends on the level of 📖 Education. You can collect the following items:

  • 🍄 Magic Mushrooms.
  • 💠 Crystal Fragment.

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