DEERHORNS CUBA: Guia para "Bambis"

DEERHORNS CUBA: Guia para "Bambis"

Toncee!! ya estas en LEVEL 10 [yey]

Ahora que?? bien ya puedes comprar en revolico(Exchange), hacerte alguna que otra pieza(Crafting), comprar o vender cosas en subastas(Auction) y lo mas importante, tu primera decision importante y sin arrepentimientos master o esquire(Classes), tranquil@, que ahora te explico:

LEVEL 10, el juego me dice que tengo que decidir, que hago ?

no es necesario que elijas ahora,

de nuevo:

No tienes por que elegir ahora.

Por que, por que, por que? lol

porque no hay vuelta atras, una ves le des /level_up y eliges master o esquire, no hay forma de virar.

que es eso de master o esquire??:

bien master son los jugadores que luego en level 20 pueden elegir entre alquimistas(alch), herreros(BS) o recolectores(collectors), en fin que hacen mejunjes, armas y equipamiento. [NO uses drogas, toma zumitos]

los esquire son mas de la caliente, estan los knigth, sentinel y ranger, los primeros se sentran en ataque, los segundos en defensa y los ultimos son balanceados, lo que llevan muchas horas nalgas de juego.

PD- en algun momento los integrantes de DC(Deerhorns Cuba) deberan terminar las guias para cada clase.


Vale, ya se que tengo que escoger bien, ya preguntare por ahi, y que es eso de revolico (Exchange)??

Ta-da, this is where the real economics starts to play it's roles.

And to be honest there is no real way to get the hang of it without trial and error.

But in this cool other guide, we try to teach you the basics.

And in this guide, Eredar teaches you how to manage your gold better.

Read the exchange guide and know how to sell and buy some stuff, what can I do now?

At the moment I am writing this, the most valuable things to have in hand (and pretty easy to get) is Thread, Pelt and Leather.

So with that being said, if you got a good amount of money between quests and stopping forays, try to invest in these stocks, and hide it in the Exchange, as it can be sold later for about the same price.

But I can only hide 2 things at the same time.

Worry not, at level 10, you get only 2 Exchange slots, but as you level up, you can go up to 5 slots for trading (classes not included in this, as you can get more slots but it has to do with skills).

I've hid enough stocks to sell all at the same time to buy a shiny new rapier, should I buy it from auction or from Castle Shop?

First of all, let me clarify something.

To use a Rapier, or Mithril, or anything that requires the Red Book, you need to get to level 15 first, as it's the level it unlocks it. You can buy it before, but you can only use it after level 15, so there is no rush in getting it.

Second: There is no right way, or best way to get any of those.

The best useful way is to check whether you want to invest in stock, or invest in pouches of gold.

But beware, if you want to craft the pouches, you shouldn't buy the materials needed to craft it, otherwise it will cost you a lot more than from the Castle Shop.

I don't think I understood that, but how come I "spend more making a pouch than buying it directly from Castle Shop"?

Let me ilustrate it.

To make a pouch of gold, you need 12 Threads, 2 Leathers and 120 gold.

But, if you don't have enough materials, and need to buy them, you'll spend about 70 gold on each thread, 90 gold on each leather, not including the 120 gold you need to craft it.

So, if we do some math:

12x70 = 840

90x2 = 180

Needed gold: 1140

So, what is the point on buying the materials for crafting the pouch?

Exactly, there is none.

If you need to buy the materials, don't make a pouch. Buy directly from the Castle Shop. But if you have enough materials, enough money, and don't want to invest, make a pouch and buy from auction.

I saved some money on exchange, and some on pouches, and want to buy a Mithril Armor from Auction, how can I?

There are two ways to find the offers on auction.

1st is by typing /au and the thing you want yo buy, like the print below:

Or just going straight to Boris channel and manually checking the best offer. (@ChatWarsAuction)

To see the lot, just press the /l_00000 and to bid in it, just press the /l_00000_1, as in the print below.

And last, but not least, Crafting:

Basic level 1 crafting, can be done by anyone after level 10, and there is no secret in it. Just get the recipe, add the right ingredients, press Craft and you are good to go.

lol what?

Okay, let's make a Torch. To make a Torch, we need 5 Sticks and a Coke.

To acess the crafting, you should go to your Castle and click on Workshop. Or just type /workshop and acess it instantly. In this page, you should see all your recipes, but as you are just a young fawn, you probably don't have any.

But first we need to craft the Coke. Click on Workbench and add 3 Charcoals and 3 Coals.

It should look like this:

And click craft.

Now you have a Coke. Let's proceed to make the torch.

To make the torch, just repeat the first process but this time, add 5 Sticks and a coke.

Yay, you have a Torch and 2 recipes.

Now I have a torch, how to use it?

First of all, you need to unwrap it. To do this, go to your /inv, click on Equipment, and click on the /bind_tch. Then you just need to equip it, go to your /inv again, and click on /on_tch

What is it Torch used for?

In Chat Wars, there are different weathers, and times of the day. With that, you can get different drops.

For example, if you Forest at Night time, you can get Iron Ores and Charcoal, but if you are looking for Night Herbs, Storm Hyssops and White Blossoms are the drops at night.

There also Day Drops and Anytime Drops, for example, Sun Tarragon is a Day Drop Herb, and Powder is a drop at any time, in any weather.

But why use a torch?

Because you see better with a torch in the night, don't you?

Jokes aside, with torch, there's a chance you get more loot, and even parts (for higher level players)

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