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Азербайджанская столица, раскинувшаяся на южном берегу Апшеронского полуострова, — самый большой город Кавказа и крупнейший порт на Каспийском море. Впервые он был упомянут в V в. Тогда же появился Черный город — район сосредоточения нефтяных предприятий, в котором, как писал Б. С г. Баку в Азербайджане впечатляет разнообразием достопримечательностей разных эпох. Древнейший район города ведет свою историю еще с бронзового века, и сегодня является историко-архитектурным заповедником, окруженным прекрасно сохранившимися крепостными стенами. На территории Ичери Шехер, где, кстати, проживает более семей, находятся уникальные памятники, главный из которых — Гыз Галасы или Девичья башня. Неприступная метровая башня, возведенная в XII в. На самом высоком холме Ичери Шехера расположен Дворец Ширваншахов — шедевр национального зодчества. Среди других архитектурных достопримечательностей Баку: Дворец мецената Мухтарова, построенный в начале XX в. Славится Баку и своими музеями. Экспозиция Национального музея истории Азербайджана, расположенного в элегантном особняке конца XIX в. Национальный музей искусств им. Мустафаева также занимает исторические здания XIX в. В Музее современного искусства выставлены работы не только современных художников-авангардистов, но и таких великих мастеров XX в. Музей азербайджанской литературы им. Низами Гянджеви, разместившийся в старинном здании караван-сарая, хранит богатейшую коллекцию раритетных книг, рукописей, иллюстраций и других экспонатов. Не менее оригинальна и архитектура Музея ковра, построенного в виде свернутого ковра. В его залах можно увидеть потрясающие произведения прикладного искусства — от ковровых изделий разных регионов страны до национальных костюмов, керамики и украшений. Баку в Азербайджане предлагает огромный выбор развлечений и возможностей для отдыха. Здесь можно загорать на песчаных пляжах, купаться в теплом Каспийском море и даже заняться дайвингом у затонувших кораблей. Культурная жизнь города необыкновенно насыщенна: выставки и концерты, спектакли в Национальном драматическом театре и Русском драмтеатре им. Вургуна, в историческом театре оперы и балета им. Особое место в местной культуре занимает кухня. Любителям шопинга стоит пройтись по крупным торговым центрам города, таким как Port Baku Mall, Ganjlik Mall и Park Bulvar, а также заглянуть на колоритные бакинские базары. Среди самых популярных покупок — великолепные ковры ручной работы, изящные ювелирны украшения и восхитительные восточные сладости. В Баку есть много мест, куда можно отправиться с детьми. Недалеко от центра города расположены песчаные пляжи с пологим входом в Каспийское море, а самые популярные находятся в поселках Бильгях, Новханы и Мардакян. В дельфинарии Marlin можно не только посмотреть увлекательные шоу с дельфинами, но и поплавать вместе с ними в бассейне. Бакинский зоопарк, несмотря на небольшие размеры, впечатляет разнообразием обитателей — от гепардов, львов, медведей и обезьян до верблюдов, страусов и попугаев. В Баку есть много музеев, интересных для маленьких посетителей. Музей фауны Азербайджана представляет животный мир гор Большого и Малого Кавказа, а также рыб Каспийского бассейна. В Музее миниатюрных книг хранится крошечных изданий из 64 стран мир. Здесь есть настоящий средневековый замок, мини-ферма с домашними животными, выставки роботов и старинных карет. Гуляя по Приморскому бульвару, можно прокатиться на качелях и захватывающих аттракционах, в том числе, на колесе обозрения, с метровой высоты которого открывается потрясающий вид на город и море. Великолепная панорама Баку видна и со смотровых площадок Нагорного парка, куда с проспекта Нефтяников поднимается фуникулер. Азербайджанская столица предлагает для детей множество культурных мероприятий, в том числе, спектакли на русском языке в ТЮЗе им. Горького и в театре кукол им. Шаига, а также представления в Бакинском цирке. Международный аэропорт Гейдара Алиева находится в 25 км от центра Баку, и прямой перелет из Москвы составляет примерно 3 часа. Нагорный парк — одна из тех достопримечательностей, без посещения которой знакомство с Баку будет неполным. Ведь это одно из лучших в Баку мест для прогулок — а также место памяти и смотровая площадка, открывающая великолепные панорамы города. Возможно, благодаря им время здесь как будто бы затормозилось — Старый город все еще живет в какой-то из прошлых жизней Баку. Культурный центр Гейдара Алиева в Баку, построенный по проекту знаменитой Захи Хадид, представляет собой великолепный образец современной архитектуры. Ваш город Москва? Экскурсионные и сити-туры. Развернуть карту. Кратко про Баку. Визитная карточка. Что посмотреть, где побывать. Развлечения и активный отдых. Семейный отдых. Как добраться. Рекомендуем посетить. Нагорный парк. Показать на карте. Старый город Баку. Центр Гейдара Алиева. О сервисе.

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Баку — тот самый вариант, когда транспортное сообщение с городом развито выше всех похвал. Сюда можно добраться по земле и по воздуху, а еще по рельсам — выход из положения для аэрофобов. Рассмотрим все возможности. Самолет.  Один раз в неделю от московского Курского вокзала отходит поезд Москва-Баку, который от одной столицы до другой довезет за 2 суток и 4 часа. Билет довольно дорогой, от рублей за проезд в плацкарте в несезон.

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Baku is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. Baku is located 28 metres (92 ft) below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world and also the largest city in the world located below sea level. Baku lies on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, alongside the Bay of Baku. At the beginning of , Baku's urban population was estimated at just over two million people. Officially, about.

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Baku lies on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula , alongside the Bay of Baku. Baku is the sole metropolis in Azerbaijan. Baku is divided into twelve administrative raions and 48 townships. Among these are the townships on the islands of the Baku Archipelago , and the town of Oil Rocks built on stilts in the Caspian Sea, 60 kilometres 37 miles away from Baku. The city is the scientific, cultural, and industrial center of Azerbaijan. Many sizeable Azerbaijani institutions have their headquarters there. The Baku International Sea Trade Port is capable of handling two million tons of general and dry bulk cargoes per year. The city is renowned for its harsh winds, which is reflected in its nickname, the ' City of Winds '. The further etymology is unclear. See also Azerbaijani alphabet. Around , years ago, the territory of modern Baku and Absheron was savanna with rich flora and fauna. From the Bronze age there have been rock carvings discovered near Bayil, and a bronze figure of a small fish discovered in the territory of the Old City. This is one of the earliest written evidences for Baku. Baku was the realm of the Shirvanshahs during the 8th century CE. The city frequently came under assault of the Khazars and starting from the 10th century the Rus. Shirvanshah Akhsitan I built a navy in Baku and successfully repelled another Rus assault in The Shirvan era greatly influenced Baku and the remainder of what is present-day Azerbaijan. Between the 12th and 14th centuries, massive fortifications were undertaken in Baku and the surrounding towns. The city walls of Baku were also rebuilt and strengthened. The fall of the Ak Koyunlu brought the city immediately into the sphere of the newly formed Iranian Safavid dynasty , led by king shah Ismail I r. Ismail I laid siege to Baku in and captured it; he allowed the Shirvanshahs to remain in power, under Safavid suzerainty. His successor, king Tahmasp I r. Baku remained as an integral part of his empire and the successive Iranian dynasties to come for the next centuries, until the irrevocable cession in the first half of the 19th century. The House of Shirvan, who ruled Baku since the 9th century, was extinguished in the course of the Safavid rule. At this time the city was enclosed within the lines of strong walls, which were washed by the sea on one side and protected by a wide trench on land. The Ottomans briefly gained control over Baku as a result of the Ottoman-Safavid War of — ; by , it was again put under Iranian control. Baku is noted for being a focal point for traders from all across the world during the Early modern period , commerce was active and the area was prosperous. Notably, traders from the Indian subcontinent established themselves in the region. These Indian traders built the Ateshgah of Baku during 17th—18th centuries; the temple was used as a Hindu , Sikh , and Parsi place of worship. In the wake of the demise of the Safavids, the Russians took advantage of the situation and invaded ; the Safavids were forced to cede Baku to Russia for a few years. The semi-autonomous Persian-ruled \\\[21\\\] \\\[22\\\] Baku Khanate was one of these. During this time, the population of Baku was small approximately 5, , and the economy was ruined as a result of constant warfare. From the late 18th century, Imperial Russia switched to a more aggressive geopolitical stance towards its two neighbors and rivals to the south, namely Iran and the Ottoman Empire. On 13 June , a Russian flotilla entered Baku Bay, and a garrison of Russian troops was placed inside the city. In March , the tsarist troops left Baku and the city became part of Qajar Iran again. During the next and final bout of hostilities between the two, the Russo-Persian War of — , Baku was briefly recaptured by the Iranians. However, militarily superior, the Russians ended this war in a victory as well, and the resulting Treaty of Turkmenchay made its inclusion into the Russian Empire definite. The Russians built the first oil-distilling factory in Balaxani in Drilling for oil began in the mids, with the first oil well drilled in the Bibi-Heybat suburb of Baku in Large-scale oil exploration started in when Russian imperial authorities auctioned the parcels of oil-rich land around Baku to private investors. The pioneer of oil extracting from the bottom of the sea was Polish geologist Witold Zglenicki. An industrial oil belt, better known as Black City, was established near Baku. Professor A. Baku is a city founded upon oil, for to its inexhaustible founts of naphtha it owes its very existence, its maintenance, its prosperity At present Baku produces one-fifth of the oil that is used in the world, and the immense output in crude petroleum from this single city far surpasses that in any other district where oil is found. This is the impression one carries away from Baku, and it is certainly true in the environs. By the beginning of the 20th century, half of the oil sold in international markets was being extracted in Baku. Seeking to capitalize on the existing inter-ethnic conflicts, by spring , Bolsheviks inspired and condoned civil warfare in and around Baku. During the infamous March Days , Bolsheviks and Dashnaks seeking to establish control over Baku streets, were faced with armed Azerbaijani groups. The Azerbaijanis suffered a crushing defeat by the united forces of Baku Soviet and were massacred by Dashnak teams in what was called March Days. An estimated 3,—12, Azerbaijanis were killed in their own capital. Shortly after, Azerbaijani forces, with support of the Ottoman Army of Islam led by Nuru Pasha , started their advance onto Baku, eventually capturing the city from the loose coalition of Bolsheviks , Esers , Dashnaks , Mensheviks and British forces under the command of General Lionel Dunsterville on 15 September After the Battle of Baku , the Azerbaijani irregular troops, with the tacit support of the Turkish command, conducted four days of pillaging and killing of 10, to 30, \\\[33\\\] of the Armenian residents of Baku. This pogrom was known as the September Days. Shortly after this, Baku was proclaimed the new capital of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Turkey lost the war by October , then conducted the Armistice of Mudros with the British, which meant Baku was to be evacuated. Thomson declared himself military governor of Baku and implemented martial law on the capital until 'the civil power would be strong enough to release the forces from the responsibility to maintain the public order'. British forces left before the end of The independence of the Azerbaijani republic was significant but a short-lived chapter. The city underwent many major changes. As a result, Baku played a great role in many branches of Soviet life. Baku was the major oil city of the Soviet Union. Together with Baku Party Committee known as the Baksovet , it developed the economic significance of the Caspian metropolis. From to , Baku was the venue for one of the major Trade fairs of the Soviet Union, serving as a commercial bridgehead to Iran and the Middle East. In fact, capturing the oil fields of Baku was one of the ultimate goals of Operation Edelweiss , carried out between May and November After the dissolution of the Soviet Union , Baku embarked on a process of restructuring on a scale unseen in its history. Improvements were made in the general cleaning, maintenance, and garbage collection, and these services are now at Western European standards. The city is growing dynamically and developing at full speed on an east—west axis along the shores of the Caspian Sea. Sustainability has become a key factor in future urban development. Baku is situated on the western coast of Caspian Sea. In the vicinity of the city there are a number of mud volcanoes Keyraki, Bogkh-bogkha, Lokbatan and others and salt lakes Boyukshor , Khodasan and so on. However, unlike many other cities with such climate features, Baku does not see extremely hot summers and substantial sunshine hours. This is largely because of its northerly latitude and the fact that it is located on a peninsula on the shore of the Caspian Sea. The majority of the light annual precipitation occurs in seasons other than summer, but none of these seasons are particularly wet. During Soviet times, Baku with its long hours of sunshine and dry healthy climate, was a vacation destination where citizens could enjoy beaches or relax in now-dilapidated spa complexes overlooking the Caspian Sea. Indeed, the city is renowned for its fierce winter snow storms and harsh winds. The daily mean temperature in July and August averages During summer the khazri sweeps through, bringing desired coolness. Winter is cool and occasionally wet, with the daily mean temperature in January and February averaging 4. During winter the khazri sweeps through, driven by polar air masses ; temperatures on the coast frequently drop below freezing and make it feel bitterly cold. Winter snow storms are occasional; snow usually melts within a few days after each snowfall. Today, Baku is divided into 12 rayonlar sub-rayons administrative districts and 5 settlements of city type. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev returned several synagogues and a Jewish college, nationalized by the Soviets, to the Jewish community. He encouraged the restoration of these buildings and is well liked by the Jews of Azerbaijan. Renovation has begun on seven of the original 11 synagogues, including the Gilah synagogue, built in , and the large Kruei Synagogue. When Baku was occupied by the Russian troops during the war of —13 , nearly the entire population of some 8, people was ethnic Tat. The population increased again from about 13, in the s to , in and , in , making Baku the largest city in the Caucasus region. Baku has been a cosmopolitan city at certain times during its history, meaning ethnic Azerbaijanis did not constitute the majority of population. The urban landscape of Baku is shaped by many communities. The religion with the largest community of followers is Islam. The majority of the Muslims are Shia Muslims , and the Republic of Azerbaijan has the second highest Shia population percentage in the world after Iran. There are some other faiths practiced among the different ethnic groups within the country. By article 48 of its Constitution , Azerbaijan is a secular state and ensures religious freedom. Baky is the seat of the Catholic Apostolic Prefecture of Azerbaijan. Zoroastrianism , although extinct in the city as well as in the rest of the country by the present time, had a long history in Azerbaijan and the Zoroastrian New Year Nowruz continues to be the main holiday in the city as well as in the rest of Azerbaijan. The existence of petroleum has been known since the 8th century. In the 10th century, the Arabian traveler, Marudee, reported that both white and black oil were being extracted naturally from Baku. Commercial exploitation began in , and by the beginning of the 20th century the Baku oil fields were the largest in the world. Towards the end of the 20th century much of the onshore petroleum had been exhausted, and drilling had extended into the sea offshore. By the end of the 19th century skilled workers and specialists flocked to Baku. By the city had more than 3, oil wells, of which 2, were producing oil at industrial levels. Baku ranked as one of the largest centres for the production of oil industry equipment before World War II. A relatively large number of transnational companies are headquartered in Baku. One of the more prominent institutions headquartered in Baku is the International Bank of Azerbaijan , which employs over 1, people. Baku is one of the most important tourist destinations in the Caucasus, with hotels in the city earning 7 million euros in The retail areas contain shops from chain stores up to high-end boutiques. The city is listed 48th in the list of the most expensive cities in the world conducted by the Mercer Human Resource Consulting. The city has many amenities that offer a wide range of cultural activities, drawing both from a rich local dramatic portfolio and an international repertoire. It has also become the first city hosting the first European Games in The main movie theatre is Azerbaijan Cinema. As of \\\[update\\\] , the city along with Ganja and Lankaran participates in Earth Hour movement. National Museum of History. Nizami Museum of Literature. National Art Museum. Baku Museum of Modern Art. Baku has wildly varying architecture, ranging from the Old City core to modern buildings and the spacious layout of Baku port. The Hamam tradition in Baku is interesting. There are a number of ancient hamams in Baku dating back to the 12th, 14th and 18th centuries. Hamams play a very important role in the architectural appearance of Baku. Teze Bey is the most popular hamam traditional bath in Baku. It was built in in the center of Baku and in it was fully restored and modernized. Along with its modern amenities, Teze Bey features a swimming pool and architectural details inspired by Oriental, Russian and Finnish baths. Gum Hamam was discovered during archaeological excavations underneath the sand; hence the name: Gum hamam sand bath. It was built sometime during the 12th—14th centuries. The original structure was built sometime during the 12th—14th centuries and was reconstructed in It is still operating in its ancient setting. The Hamam is open to women on Mondays and Fridays and to men on the other days of the week. Late modern and postmodern architecture began to appear in the early s. With economic development, old buildings such as Atlant House were razed to make way for new ones. Most of the walls and towers, strengthened after the Russian conquest in , survived. This section is picturesque, with its maze of narrow alleys and ancient buildings: the cobbled streets past the Palace of the Shirvanshahs , two caravansaries , the baths and the Juma Mosque which used to house the Azerbaijan National Carpet and Arts Museum but is now a mosque again. The old town core also has dozens of small mosques, often without any particular sign to distinguish them as such. The music scene in Baku can be traced back to ancient times and villages of Baku, generally revered as the fountainhead of meykhana and mugham in the Azerbaijan. Baku also has a thriving International Center of Mugham , which is located in Baku Boulevard , Gulustan Palace and Buta Palace , one of the principal performing arts centers and music venues in the city. Baku is also featured in the video game Battlefield 4. Baku boasts a vibrant nightlife. Many clubs that are open until dawn can be found throughout the city. Clubs with an eastern flavor provide special treats from the cuisine of Azerbaijan along with local music. Western-style clubs target younger, more energetic crowds. Baku is home to restaurants catering to every cuisine and occasion. Restaurants range from luxurious and expensive to ordinary and affordable. In the Lonely Planet ' Ultimate Experiences', Baku placed 8th among the top 10 party cities in the world. Baku has large sections of greenery either preserved by the National Government or designated as green zones. The city, however, continues to lack a green belt development as economic activity pours into the capital, resulting in massive housing projects along the suburbs. The boulevard contains an amusement park, yacht club , musical fountain , statues and monuments. The park is popular with dog-walkers and joggers, and is convenient for tourists. It is adjacent to the newly built International Center of Mugham and the musical fountain. The first was the European Grand Prix , with the track going around the old city. The track measures 6. Since , Baku has hosted 36 major sporting events and selected to host the European Games. Baku made a bid to host the Summer Olympics and Summer Olympics , \\\[\\\] but failed to become a Candidate City both times. The largest sport hub in the city is Baku Olympic Stadium with 68, seating capacity whose construction was completed in Throughout history the transport system of Baku used the now-defunct horsecars , trams and narrow gauge railways. As of \\\[update\\\] , 1, black cabs are ordered by Baku Taxi Company, and as part of a programme originally announced by the Transport Ministry of Azerbaijan, there is a plan to introduce London cabs into Baku. Local rail transport includes the Baku Funicular and the Baku Metro , a rapid-transit system notable for its art, murals, mosaics and ornate chandeliers. Baku Metro was opened in November and includes 3 lines and 25 stations at present; million people used Baku Metro over the past five years. These will serve the new bus complex as well as the international airport. BakuCard is a single Smart Card for payment on all types of city transport. The intercity buses and metro use this type of card-based fare-payment system. Baku Railway Station is the terminus for national and international rail links to the city. The Kars—Tbilisi—Baku railway , which directly connects Turkey , Georgia and Azerbaijan , began to be constructed in and opened in Sea transport is vital for Baku, as the city is practically surrounded by the Caspian Sea to the east. Baku Port was founded in and since then has been the largest Caspian Sea port. It has six facilities: the main cargo terminal, the container terminal, the ferry terminal, the oil terminal, the passenger terminal and the port fleet terminal. The construction will take place in three stages and will be completed by The motorway network around Baku is well developed and is constantly being extended. The new Baku Cargo Terminal was officially opened in March It was constructed to be a major cargo hub in the CIS countries and is actually now one of the biggest and most technically advanced in the region. Baku hosts many universities, junior colleges and vocational schools. Baku State University , the first established university in Azerbaijan was opened in by the government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. After when Azerbaijan gained independence from the Soviet Union, the fall of communism led to the development of a number of private institutions, including Qafqaz University and Khazar University which are currently considered the most prestigious academic institutions. Apart from the private universities, the government established the Academy of Public Administration , the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and various military academies. Publicly run kindergartens and elementary schools years 1 through 11 are operated by local wards or municipal offices. The Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences , the main state research organization in Azerbaijan is locating in Baku as well. Moreover, Baku has numerous libraries, many of which contain vast collections of historic documents from the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Soviet periods, as well as from other civilisations of the past. The city has many public and private hospitals, clinics and laboratories within its bounds and numerous medical research centers. Because of its intermittent periods of great prosperity as well as being the largest city in the Caucasus and one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse in the Soviet Union, Baku prides itself on having produced a disproportionate number of notable figures in the sciences, arts and other fields. Some of the houses they resided in display commemorative plaques. World-famous cellist Mstislav Rostropovich was born and raised in Baku, as was world-famous chess player Garry Kasparov. Lotfi A. Zadeh , artificial intelligence researcher, founder of fuzzy mathematics , fuzzy set theory, and fuzzy logic. Kerim Kerimov , one of the founders of the Soviet space program. Garry Kasparov , chess grandmaster , former World Chess Champion. Mikayil Mushfig , Bakuvian poet and victim of the Stalinist purges. Tofiq Bahramov , a Soviet footballer and football referee from Azerbaijan. Mstislav Rostropovich , Grammy Award —winning cellist. Baku is twinned with: \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] \\\[in chronological order\\\]. Old Baku ' Icheri Sheher '. Baku Opera and Ballet Theatre. Ismailiyya building. Fountain and Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Hall. View of Baku taken from the International Space Station. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Baku disambiguation. Capital of Azerbaijan. Place in Azerbaijan. Capital city of Azerbaijan. Coat of arms. Main articles: History of Baku and Timeline of Baku. See also: Shirvanshah. Main article: Petroleum industry in Azerbaijan. Main article: Economy of Baku. Skyscrapers in Baku. Flame Towers. Villa Petrolea. Main article: Architecture in Baku. See also: List of universities in Baku. Main article: List of people from Baku. Further information: Category:People from Baku. See also: List of twin towns and sister cities in Azerbaijan. Nizami Street. Maiden Tower. Icheri Sheher. Baku seaside Boulevard. Palace of Happiness. Fountains Square. Rashid Behbudov Street. Azerbaijan portal. Archived from the original on 24 November Retrieved 17 July The Caucasus: An Introduction. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 23 September Retrieved 13 September Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Archived from the original on 14 November Retrieved 21 November Archived from the original on 23 November World Port Source. Archived from the original on 21 July Retrieved 23 December Bosworth, C. Edmund ed. Archived from the original on 13 October Retrieved 25 July Retrieved 14 October Cities of the Middle East and North Africa. Taleh Ziyadov. Archived from the original on 29 June Retrieved 30 June In Mikaberidze, Alexander ed. Archived from the original on 18 November Retrieved 4 July Archived from the original on 1 May Retrieved 9 March Minahan Energy and Civilization: A History. The Macmillan Company, , p. Archived from the original on 18 March Retrieved 1 December Hrair Dekmejian, Hovann H. Simonian Journal of Contemporary History. The results of the March events were immediate and total for the Musavat. Russia and Azerbaijan: A Borderland in Transition. Columbia University Press, A Modern History of the Islamic World. Tauris, Genocide: Conceptual and Historical Dimensions. Visions of Azerbaijan. Archived from the original on 31 August Retrieved 31 August Archived from the original on 26 July Retrieved 22 July Archived from the original on 26 April Retrieved 25 April Luck 26 February Archived from the original on 2 December Retrieved 17 November Archived from the original on 19 July Retrieved 17 April Retrieved 22 March Archived from the original on 16 August Retrieved 25 February Archived from the original on 2 April Archived from the original on 6 July Archived from the original on 18 April Retrieved 17 December Archived from the original on 14 July Archived from the original on 29 July Archived from the original on 7 February Archived from the original on 1 July Retrieved 15 July Угрозы национальной безопасности России на Северном Кавказе: этноконфессиональный аспект. Azerbaijan International Magazine. Archived from the original on 5 June Retrieved 11 July Archived from the original on 24 April Retrieved 22 May BBC News. Archived from the original on 6 April Retrieved 12 May Archived from the original on 18 May Retrieved 6 December Archived from the original on 17 September Archived from the original on 4 September Retrieved 2 September Archived from the original on 27 February Retrieved 6 June Retrieved 13 July '. Archived from the original on 28 September Archived from the original on 24 February Retrieved 30 November Archived from the original on 11 August Retrieved 5 February Baku Archived from the original on 12 May Archived from the original on 29 November Archived from the original on 16 November Retrieved 5 November Archived from the original on 23 January Retrieved 19 May Discovery Communications. Archived from the original on 10 April Archived from the original on 2 March Archived from the original on 22 September Retrieved 22 September The Guardian. Archived from the original on 23 June Retrieved 15 May Archived from the original on 14 February Retrieved 8 July Archived from the original on 13 April Archived from the original on 18 February Archived from the original on 11 May Archived from the original on 28 March Archived from the original on 11 November Archived from the original on 13 May Archived from the original on 12 October Retrieved 16 June The Independent. Archived from the original on 25 September Archived from the original on 26 September Retrieved 27 January Archived from the original on 5 May Retrieved 16 August Archived from the original on 17 August Добро пожаловать в бакинский ад! Archived from the original on 10 November Retrieved 26 November Archived from the original on 11 January Retrieved 15 September Archived from the original on 30 April Retrieved 31 May Archived from the original on 19 June Retrieved 4 March Archived from the original on 7 March Archived from the original on 20 January Archived from the original on 9 September Retrieved 14 August Archived from the original on 9 May Retrieved 2 April Archived from the original on 3 April Archived from the original on 18 October Retrieved 26 January Archived from the original on 19 February Archived from the original on 29 March Archived from the original on 16 April Retrieved 7 March Archived from the original on 15 January Retrieved 1 February Archived from the original on 12 March Archived from the original on 31 January Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 9 August Tbilisi: Artanuchi. Archived from the original on 4 April Retrieved 4 February Archived from the original on 7 July Archived from the original on 23 May Celebrating 30 Years as Sister Cities'. Azerbaijan International : 68— Archived from the original on 2 February Retrieved Archived from the original on 28 June Archived from the original on 7 December Retrieved 10 April Archived from the original on 25 January Retrieved 8 April Articles related to Baku. Administrative divisions of Azerbaijan. Names in italics indicate parts of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Architecture History Timeline. See template. Baku landmarks. Capitals of Asia. Dependent territories and states with limited recognition are in italics. See: Positions on Jerusalem and Political status of Taiwan. Capitals of European states and territories. Capitals of dependent territories and states whose sovereignty is disputed shown in italics. Eurovision Song Contest. Serbia and Montenegro Yugoslavia. Lebanon Liechtenstein Tunisia. Armenia—Azerbaijan Russia—Ukraine. World Heritage Sites in Azerbaijan. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Europe and Asia. Source 2: Meoweather Snowy days \\\[42\\\]. Christiansted , United States Virgin Islands. East Azerbaijan Province. Honolulu County. State of Rio de Janeiro. Israel \\\[\\\]. Haifa \\\[\\\]. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Baku. Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Baku. Capital of Islamic Culture North Asia. South Asia. Southeast Asia. Western Asia.

Центральная улица Баку. Старый город Баку зимой. Баку ночью. Баку ночью.  Баку в Азербайджане впечатляет разнообразием достопримечательностей разных эпох. Ичери Шехер – Старый город, который часто называют «Бакинским акрополем», включен в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Древнейший район города ведет свою историю еще с бронзового века, и сегодня является историко-архитектурным заповедником, окруженным прекрасно сохранившимися крепостными стенами.

Ческе-Будеёвице купить закладку Травы, дури, шишек

Баку находится в Азербайджане. Столица страны. Город находится на западном побережье Каспийского моря на южном берегу Апшеронского полуострова. Самый большой город на Кавказе, крупный порт. Открыть карту. Карта Координаты. Понять\[править\]. Баку.

Трава, дурь, шишки Коломна

Баку находится в Азербайджане. Столица страны. Город находится на западном побережье Каспийского моря на южном берегу Апшеронского полуострова. Самый большой город на Кавказе, крупный порт. Открыть карту. Карта Координаты. Понять\\[править\\]. Баку.

Отзывы про Гашиш Бишкеке

Баку находится в Азербайджане. Столица страны. Город находится на западном побережье Каспийского моря на южном берегу Апшеронского полуострова. Самый большой город на Кавказе, крупный порт. Открыть карту. Карта Координаты. Понять\\\[править\\\]. Баку.

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