Back to school

Back to school

Task 1.

Watch the video and tell why students like school?

Words to remember:
  1. to be involved in
  2. to enjoy
  3. young adults
  4. relationships
  5. to participate
  6. crazy

Task 2.


  1. What do you like about your school?
  2. What don't you like?


I like play + ing football.
I don't like learn+ing Maths.

Task 3.

Complete the sentences with your ideas

  1. I want/ don't want to be an A student because__________
  2. I want to improve my _______ (subject)
  3. I was really happy to see __________ on the 1st of September.
  4. My favourite school teacher is ___________.
  5. My best memory about school is ___________.
  6. My best grade last year was_________ in ______ (subject).
  7. My worst grade was _____________ in __________.
  8. I plan to ______________ this year.

Task 4.

Talking about the future: be going to

Конструкція  to be going to в англійській мові вживається часто, тому правила її утворення потрібно знати. На українську ця конструкція зазвичай перекладається як мати намірзбиратисяпланувати, проте це не є аксіомою.


Learn the rules below.

Let's practice here. Go by this link (HOME TASK)

prtSC - в скайпі натискаєш Ctrl +V

Task 5

Let's talk

  1. What are you going to do after this class?
  2. Where are you going to go for your next holiday?
  3. Are you going to meet anyone at the weekend?
  4. Are you going to watch television tonight?
  5. What book are you going to read next?
  6. What’s the next big decision you’re going to make?
  7. Where in the world are you going to travel?
  8. Are you going to play any video games later today?

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