

this is just my damn shadow fuck.

“HEY BABE!!! you know i'm making a cake, sedikit kesal tidak sedikit tapi ini banyak. agh aku membuat cake untukmu!!! asal kamu tau aku membuat cake yang gosong dengan rasa yang aneh.”

“ah menyebalkan bukan? ya itu sangat, aku menghancurkan dapurku sendiri huh.” holding your jaw and then stroking it gently until it plays with your hair.

“bagaimana kalo kita menghabiskan waktu bersama?? ah i don't fucking care about that. we will always spend time together right?” smile in front of you by giving a lot of kisses on your neck.

“oh bagaimana jika kita ke pantai? menikmati hamparan angin malam, dengan cuaca mendung seperti ini. ah ini akan menyenangkan, honey!!”

“Nouuu, ini akan hujan itu tidak akan bisa, bagaimana dengan.. nonton film diterangi dengan cahaya laptop dan dengan suasana hujan dibawa selimut dengan banyak snack disana, lalu bersenang senang denganmu dan mengatakan banyak kata cinta denganmu.”

And it will be warm baby.

“oh god, yea ok aku akan mencari film dan bisakah kamu take my closet blanket, take what you think is convenient for us.” I hold your hand “what wait.. leave me your kiss babee!!”


Play the short video and saw you bring a blanket and some snacks.

“what the hell- are you playing oggy's video again??! oh come on babe that old oggy won't be able to get out of his world.” slightly literate and seeing the annoyed expression, slightly chuckled.

“SHHH AH YOU SHUT UP AND CHANGE ANOTHER MOVIE, and stop mocking my oggy and stop calling him old, dammit.” frowns at you and pulls you closer to me then leans you on the headboard.

The raindrops have started to fall slowly making the air cool, and leaning against your chest while watching the horror movie.

“WTF!! BABE WHY ALIVE AGAIN?! this movie makes a lot of people heartache because of it, what's so good about this movie? what is he doing there stupid!!” pulled the blanket up to cover part of my chest.

“Unfortunately we're watching a zombie movie, that's natural. What's wrong with him? hey stop holding that blanket so tight just let it go you can hold my hand” hugged you from your waist and took your hand from the blanket.

“hey calm down baby, you won't be bitten by it, only i can bite you” bury my head between your neck and smell your scent.

“yea yea try to bite me fiercely, I want to see if you really want to do it or not.” grabbing hard hair to get closer to my neck “oh come on baby, even zombies can bite that viciously”.

“yeah try to bite me hard, I want to see if you really want to do it or not.” grabbing your hair hard to get close to my neck “oh come on dadby, even zombies can bite it cruelly”.

“you are not a zombie, you are mine want to tease me right? we won't do more baby, save your hormones” stroking your jaw and tucking your hair in your ear then sucking on your neck leaving a rash there.

“stop, you won't be responsible with that” looking straight at you, pulling your hair until you look up. strangle your neck and press your Adam's apple in.

“haha i'm your kink, lean on my chest and let's continue with the movie we've been putting off and watch the zombie bite ferociously until the human faints and is brought back to life as a zombie.” pull your neck so your body is closer to my chest, put my hands under the blanket and hold your waist.

“I love you and wait for me”

This just crossed my mind. I'm confused what to give you, I want to be sweet in front of you fuck. Don't praise anyone in front of me I'd be ashamed to say I'm jealous huh.

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