

Arbima Dirgantara

I just wanna say, thank you very much to you who always been by my side, be my support system, be the reason of why I'm crying, the reason why I can't sleep, the reason why I laugh, it's because of you my love. I love you to the moon and back and go again and back again and go again and back again till i drop.

You are beautiful inside and outside. You are precious. Your sweet smile, I don't want to lose that smile. Remember that many people loves you. I love you so much and I'm so lucky to have you in my life.

Terima kasih, ya? Udah kasih Bima kesempatan buat perbaikin semuanya seperti semula. Semoga di akhir bulan April menjadi awal kebahagiaan untuk kita berdua, Brice & Bima.

Kamu ga pernah gagal bikin Bima semangat, ga pernah gagal bikin Bima ngerasa ada yang sayangin Bima, ga pernah gagal bikin Bima jatuh cinta disetiap harinya.

Bima juga manusia, ce. pasti ngelakuin kesalahan. Jadi kalo bima ga sengaja ngelakuin kesalahan itu dan kamu terluka, tolong banget bilang baik-baik ke aku, ya?

Remember i'll always love you, you're always be my fav person in my life. Please be safe, i love you so much.

I still love u, Brice.

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