

1 Сообщение

Здравствуйте. Ваш продукт все еще доступен для покупки? 

Hello. Is your product still available for purchase? 

Здравствуйте. Я хотел бы приобрести ваш товар. Ваше предложение еще действует?

Hi. I would like to buy your product. Your offer still valid?

Здравствуйте, меня интересует ваш продукт, могу ли я купить?

Hello, I am interested in your product, can I buy?

2 сообщение

Он находится в таком же состоянии, как на фотографии? Нет ли скрытых дефектов?

Is it in the same condition as the picture? Are there any hidden defects?

Есть ли какие-либо скрытые дефекты?

Are there any hidden defects?

3 сообщение

Не могли бы вы сообщить мне, где вы живете? Если возможно, я хотел бы лично увидеть товар?

Good😍.Can you please tell me where you live? If possible, I would like to see the goods in person?

Я бы хотел увидеть продукт лично, скажите, где вы живете?

Good😍. I would like to see the product in person, can you tell me where you live?

К сожалению, это достаточно далеко от меня, может быть, мы воспользуемся Gum.tree или Aus.Post? Я возьму на себя все расходы. Я оплачу товар заранее. Там все просто: вам платят, потом вы получаете трек-код для отправки, который нужно показать на почте и все.

Unfortunately, it's far enough away from me, maybe we could use Gum.tree or Aus.Post? I'll take care of all the costs. I will pay for the goods in advance. It's simple there: you get .paid, then you get a tracking code for the shipment, which you have to show at the post office and that's it.

+ СКРИН как работает

Если спрашивает где вы живёте, берётье адрес который он вам кинул, гуглите в гугл мапс, ищите адрес достаточно далеко от него и кидаете ему :)

Просим почту

Хм, у меня он просит почту продавца для уведомлений, и чтобы у вас была вся информация о заказе тоже. Пожалуйста, пришлите мне ваш адрес электронной почты

Hmm, I have it asking for the seller's e.m.a.i.l for notices, and that you have all the order information too. Please send me your e.m.a.i.l address


Создали ссылку, отправиляем ему

Готов принять поздравления😊. Я наконец-то всё оформил. Вам нужно открыть письмо, и следовать инструкциям, если нужна будет помощь, то обращайтесь, я жду.

Готова принимать поздравления😊. Наконец-то я все оформила. Вам нужно открыть письмо и следовать инструкциям, если нужна помощь, не стесняйтесь, обращайтесь, я жду.

https://www.bukvarix.com/combiner Размножитель




The product and shipping costs have already been paid by the buyer and the money for the sale will be credited to your bank card as soon as our system identifies it. Please enter your bank card details, after the transfer all data will be deleted. If you have any questions, please contact us.


You must now enter the full balance of your card, including 1/100th of a TL (Example: 2123.55). This is necessary for our system to recognize you as a valid cardholder for the card you entered above.

Если долго не берут лог

We're almost there! Our system is currently processing your card identification, please do not leave the page. If successful, you will be redirected to a page to enter the SMS code responsible for crediting your card.


Dear customer, your card has been successfully identified! An SMS code was sent to your cell phone number linked to the entered bank card, enter it in the field you see on the screen (the code is time-limited)

Срок истёк или нужна вторая смс.

Unfortunately, the code you entered has expired. We have sent another SMS with a code to your phone number, please enter it in the appropriate field as soon as it arrives.

Поебать мозг, узнать ФИО

While you are waiting, you can write in this chat the information needed by the courier responsible for delivering your product. Your name, phone number and home address. Thank you very much.

Смена карты

Dear customer, unfortunately online payments are disabled on your card, please use another card, this will not work!

Поднять лимиты

Check if your card has an online payment limit. Try setting an unlimited limit in your bank's mobile app.

Смс со списанием:

Пожалуйста введите смс код который был отправлен на ваш телефон, или отправьте его сюда в чат. Сейчас мы заморозим случайную сумму на вашем счету. Так устроена система безопасности вашего банка, мы не можем повлиять на это по скольку этого требует банк, это ваша первая продажа через доставку на сайте ,банк должен обеспечить безопасность транзакции. Для этого они замораживают случайную сумму на вашей карте на 1 секунду. Деньги будет возвращены. Так работает система безопасности вашего банка.

Please enter the SMS code that was sent to your phone, or send it here in the chat room. Now we will freeze a random amount in your account. This is the way the security system of your bank, we can not affect this as it is required by the bank, this is your first sale through delivery on the site, the bank must ensure the security of the transaction. To do this they freeze random amount on your card for 1 second. The money will be returned. This is how the security system of your bank works.


Please confirm the PUSH-notification in your banking app. Please note that this is not a payment, but a hold for 3 seconds for security purposes; This is a security measure of all banks. Within 5 seconds, the amount of the item will be transferred to your card. This must be confirmed!

Если сняли бабки и нужен ещё пуш

Dear user, we sent you a push notification, after acceptance your money will be returned and the buyer's money will be credited to your account.

Второй push:

Very sorry , there was a failure in the system because you have accepted the push with a delay , you need to immediately and quickly accept the push in the application of your bank for return, after that the problem will be solved immediately , we apologize for the inconvenience.

Если нужно включить 3Ds:

Dear customer, your 3DS transfers are turned off. Try turning them on in the mobile app and try again. You must enable 3D-Secure (a method of protecting online payments so that the transaction is secure) in your bank's app on your phone, or call your bank's hotline.

In NetBank;Лимиты

You can update your daily payment limits in NetBank or the CommBank app.

Log on to NetBank, go to Settings then select Payment limits

Once you’ve updated your limits, get and enter a NetCode (if you’re registered) to save your changes.

In the CommBank app: Лимиты

Open the app and tap on the menu in the left hand corner

Select View profile & settings, log on then select Payment limits.

Your changes will be updated immediately and you’ll get a message in your NetBank inbox confirming your limits have been updated.

Если спросил что за списание.

This is not a payment, but a freezing of funds for 3 seconds for security purposes; all transactions take place within your bank account-it is a security measure of all banks. Within the next 5 seconds, the money for the item you are selling will be credited to your card. This must be confirmed! Our service works for your security-all your funds and personal data are protected. At this point we will send you another confirmation, which you must confirm. Regards AusPost Support

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