No one under the age of fourteen has any sex in this story.

NOTE: This is a fable folks and so I took some liberties on what official organizations might do.

Mitchell was walking back to his condo from the 7-11 down the street and was approached by a teen girl. Mitchell had a live-out girlfriend and so was not at the time in the market for another one. Things were contentious between them, but she was still a blazing sensual fire in his bed when she showed up.

“Is your name, Mitchell,” the teen asked him as she moved up to him? 

“Possibly, who is asking?”

“My name is Anilene, and I am a friend of Cora and others that you know. They have told me that you have been a help to them during times of some kind of duress, and I am now asking you if you would be willing to help me at this time.”

“What kind of duress are you in, young lady? And how can I help?”

“I am being pursued by the ‘rez’ police because of something that happened out there. The Big City police have been notified of it, too. And they are probably on the outlook for me, also.”

Right then a bright blue police cruiser drove by, but their attentions were evidently on the opposite side of the street and so didn’t notice the girl and me. But, she in fear moved to the outside position (away from the street) of me and plastered her body up to mine to produce as little exposure of her to their view as possible. With this, I was convinced that the fear of discovery was real and imminent.

“I got into a fight with another girl out there over a boy, and she got seriously hurt. She will evidently recover, but the tribal authorities are trying to stop intertribal difficulties and so are looking for me to make an example of me to discourage this kind of thing among the others. And what I would like from you, would to be hidden in your home until the danger of arrest is over. I can keep house for you and cook the meals if you do this.”

“Are you aware of the kind of relationship that I have had with your native friends?”

“Yes, I know. But, if things like that work out for us, I will ask for no monetary help, since you are already helping me so much.”

“You mean of course that I would be helping you, since I have not agreed to anything yet.”

“Yes, that is so.”

“Now, do you have a place to hide for the next two hours so that I can check up on this and you?”

“Yes, there is a hiding place right behind the Rite Aid, in some bushes there that I can hide in for some time. What do you need to know?”

“I would guess that your name would be a good place to start with. And if you have a Facebook account. And anything else that I need to know about you. You should know that I have a loosely attached girlfriend that will be pissed by my taking you in, if I let her know about it. If I don’t and she finds out about it, I will be left without a lover and you would have to fill in on that as long as you stay with me, then.”

She then agreed to that and gave me the particulars for me to search and confirm of on Facebook and elsewhere. I would consult with the ladies that I knew too about her.

So, I checked up on her on Facebook and found a number of rather innocent girlish postings about boys and other items of a young girl’s interest. The last posting though was from a very angry girl calling all manner of evil down on Leenie, as I was going to call her. I was guessing that that was either from the girl who was injured or one of her friends or relatives. No details were given, though.

So, I googled her name and when sorting through the few girls with her name found nothing of any interest about her.

I logged onto the local police site to see what I might find there and sure enough there was an arrest warrant out for her on the authority of the ‘rez’ police for aggravated assault on a minor. No details given.

After that, I phoned Cora who was staying with her mother for a week in town and asked about Leenie from her. Cora said that she was a rather shy and kind young girl who was provoked into a fight that she didn’t want and then showed the victim that she wasn’t as helpless as the instigator had thought. She knew through another friend that the police were already rethinking the whole situation, but for her safety Leena needed to stay under cover for a while. No indication that she knew that I might be the hiding place. And she knew how to keep secrets, I knew for a fact. So, to contain any references to where she might be, I stopped at that point in my search and welcomed Leena in when she arrived at my door after her sojourn in a bush behind a drug store.

When she came in she immediately moved to the bathroom and closed the door. This is often a matter of concern for me, especially if it is of long duration. But, she was out in about ten minutes, short for that kind of female incursion.

And then she sat down to discuss the parameters of her stay in my home. I have a lock on the door to my private study and media room, and instructed her to strictly stay out of there. Anything that was important or private was contained in that room, so that pretty much protected me against visitors when they stayed with me. If the door was violated, there was no way to hide the fact and I would take actions immediately if that occurred, I asserted to her.

With that she asked, “You mean that you don’t trust me?” Accompanied by a real tear. Valid or faked was unknown at that time.

“I don’t know whether to trust you or not, but in my search for information about you, I have decided to give you a chance.”

Then I laid out the working rules for my place. There was only one bed and she would have to sleep in it with me. I would not initiate sex for as long as I permitted her to stay, unless she let me know in no uncertain terms that I was welcome to. But, that she was welcome to initiate it any time she wanted to.

No males were to come into the condo without me being there and with my active permission. Which probably meant, never. Females could come in at my discretion. Which meant rarely.

She was free to eat what was available, but to not waste food. I had had other girls stay with me and they would load up on a lot of food for a meal and then waste at least half of it. I said that if I saw such going on with her, I would serve her with what I thought that she could reasonably consume.

My T.V. was free for her to watch, but she had to get permission from me to rent a movie over it. I watch very little T.V. myself, except for America’s Got Talent and some local sports. So, the rest of the time she could watch it with the volume turned down below a loud roar.

She would be expected to pick up after herself. I keep a neat home. And since, I have difficulty in vacuuming, she would be responsible to do that every day in the open spaces and twice a week under the furniture. Also, she would have to keep the dishes washed up whenever a sink full was present. And I like them all run through the dishwasher once a week.

She could give me a list of the kinds of food that she liked and I would try to integrate them into our meal schedule. Also, I gave her a hundred dollar credit towards whatever personal needs she had, since she came to me with just the clothes on her back. No bag or anything like that. If she stayed over a couple of days, I would get her a couple of other outfits at the bargain store to tide her over. In the meantime she could go naked, while her clothes were in the wash and dry. I would especially like that, or she could use a pair of my boxers and a T-shirt to tide her over instead of that.

She said that that was very much like at home, so she wouldn’t have trouble abiding by those rules. As to having sex with me, she left that up in the air. But, with what Cora had said, I didn’t anticipate her being with me very long anyway.

About this time I got a call from my G.F. and Leena was in the process of moving into the kitchen to catch up on the dishes. As the conversation with Margoline started, she all of sudden asked: “What is that noise? Is someone invading your kitchen?”

And I replied, “No it is my stay-in guest doing up the dishes.”

There was a long pause and then, “Is that a female guest or male one?”

“Appears to be totally female to me, but I haven’t checked that closely up yet!”

Another long pause and then the phone hang up. ‘Oh well,’ I said to myself and turned to other matters of concern.

After the dishes, she vacuumed my whole condo and with my help did under all of the furniture, too. It was the first time in many months and with that I was encouraged to perhaps have her help me to steam clean it too, with my own personal steam cleaner. I didn’t mention it to her at that moment, though.

That evening, I made up mac and cheese with sliced sausages in it. She served up the fruit salad that I had made with the doing of the layouts of the dishes on the dining room table, also. As I was waiting for the finish of the cooling of the entrée, I took out the fancy goblets and poured some fizzy Apple Cider into our glasses and added some ice cubes to it. 

After that dinner was ready and serviced with some of my favorite music in the background. She mentioned that what I had playing was nice, but asked if she could play some of her favorite music for us, and I pointed out my guitar in the corner but suggested that it is very hard to eat mac and cheese (with sausages) and play the guitar at the same time. So she got the point and busied herself enjoying our dinner together.

It turned out latter that she really could play the guitar a bit, and so could I. So, that provided some fun for us at another time. This evening, though, after we had finished eating, she put away the leftovers, as few as they were and washed up the dishes.

By that time there was nothing of interest to me on the tube, so I let her have the control and search away for anything that she might like. And then I moved to my office to do my searches and messaging on the internet for some time.

When I came out the late news was on and in the local news was a blurb about the fight between two native girls at an eighteenth birthday party for the assumed offender. But, it was noted that the tribal prosecutor was second guessing who should get the charges after eyewitnesses identified the victim as the instigator of the whole scene at another person’s home over a mutually desired boyfriend. There would be further news on this in the morning as the investigation proceeded. 

After that was done, I mentioned that it was time to go to bed, and though she tried to shrug that off initially, with my insistence she did move into the bedroom and right in front of me took off her clothes and put on one of my more colorful boxers and a white undershirt for bedtime. Before she got into bed, I suggested that she add her clothes to the washing machine and with a little detergent start the wash cycle and then in the morning it wouldn’t take long to dry them. She nodded and did so.

As we moved into my double bed, she turned away from me, but moved over to spoon with me for a bit. In the spirit of the move, I reached my arm around her and left my hand lightly upon her girlish belly. With this she snuggled back on me and soon we were both asleep.

In the middle of the night, I got up for my nightly trek to the main bathroom and upon arriving back into my bedroom found her laying in the very middle of the bed on her back. Her eyes seemed to be closed and I pondered what to do, because I was determined to keep my promise to her about any possible sexual initiations and I couldn’t be sure of what she was indicating by this, if it was more than she just wanted all of the room in the bed.

As I looked down on her, I saw her eyes open and a smirky smile cross her face. She said to get into the bed, silly. That she had had to take all of my snarky comments all day and then a whole list of rules to follow. She then said that we were going to break one of them on me right then. And when I lowered the blankets to get in next to her, I could see no top or bottom of her borrowed jammies in sight. She was bare woman nude in my bed.

She was laughing as she pulled me into next to her and had me roll over so that I was about half on her and with that, she began to kiss me very fervently and with purpose. I caught up soon and before not too long our tongues were dueling back and forth between our two mouths. While this proceeded my one free hand was searching for her tits and found them too, I did. And she moaned as I took them in hand and gently caressed them until I found the nipples, which I more than gently twiddled into their being hard as a rock and extended straight out from her chest.

With this going on, she reached down under my jammies and began to stir up my cock to further actions. With all of the stimulations from playing with her and her playing with me, it got right up ready for the further actions that she desired. And with her pussy very wet as I noticed, she hefted me up to take my place between her legs and then guided my cock head right up to her entrance and then into her. I was about to melt all over her in mind bending passion, when my cock informed me of her moist and heated interior. And with that the races were on, and she won in just about ten minutes accompanied by a gushing from her interior over my cock and out on to the two of us. With this happening, I soon followed with my own gift up and in to her also.

After that I was a bit tired and about to roll over when she informed me that I was not through. So, she moved me to my back in the middle of the back and took the 69 position for me to receive of her gifts from her pussy and for her to get the last of mine from my cock. With both done, she moved to be beside me and with a bit of body juggling around we found ourselves into the original position with me firmly up to her back in the spoon position with my arm around her and my free hand lightly on her tummy. She was purring, you should know as we both went back to sleep.

When we both woke up in the morning we took a shower to save water and electricity, you know!!! And I busied myself moving the wash from the washer to the dryer and she busied herself making bacon and eggs for the both of us, and did a fine job of it too.

One note, taking in consideration what I had said the night before about her being nude, she seemed to forget putting on any clothes after we finished our showers and right through our breakfasts, also.

And then, she turned on the T.V. for the morning news with her glorious naked body sitting on my dressed lap and my hands playing about her naked surfaces. In the local news, it was announced that the warrant for her arrest had been squashed because of a reassessment of the conditions around the stabbing. So, the authorities as far as they were concerned, announced that she was free to come home free and cleared of all charges. She looked into my eyes and said, “Not a chance! This is a lie sent over the news to draw me in so that they can nail my hide, which you are so very lovingly favoring at this morning, to the wall. If I show up, they will announce to the public that it was a misinterpretation by the news media, and get off ‘scot free’ with no repercussions to themselves for the lie, since it had gotten them to the arrest of a dangerous criminal.”

I thought for a couple of minutes and then agreed over that. I was in no hurry to lose the presence of this lovely lady in my condo anyway.

A few minutes later, our concerns were confirmed when Cora called me and related that this announcement was indeed bogus. And for Leena to stay put still until the air really was cleared for her.

So, we settled in for the long run with all shades pulled closed which was not unusual for me anyway. Since it was very warm in the apartment because of the weather, she went about the place with only a T-shirt on and it pulled up so her breasts still showed. I liked that and after a couple of hours of it, dragged her into the bedroom for some more sexual hijinks, which involved me this time merely dumping my load down her accepting throat and me sucking off her pussy to her climax, too.

Then in the early afternoon, I got two calls from numbers that I didn’t know and so ignored them. Soon after that there was a rap at the door and I ignored that too. Then a voice announced that it was the police and that they wanted to visit me. I wasn’t even sure that it was the police, since the stabbed girl’s relatives might be on the prowl and so informed them that I had no business with them this day and so would not welcome a visit on this occasion. They then asserted that they would get a search warrant. I said that for them to do so and to send it under my door before I would voluntarily accept it. And that in the meantime I was going to call the local ACLU unit and inform them of the goings on at my home.

That got their attentions, and since the authorizing authority for the original charges had announced that they were dropped over the news media, they couldn’t get a search warrant, either.

In the meantime, a representative of the ACLU called me back and I laid the whole scenario out for them. They took particular interest in the false story of the dropping of charges and sent a couple of their field personnel to monitor the situation. It was hard to miss them, with jackets that said in large bold letters, ACLU FIELD REPS. And, their office sent in a request for an explanation of the news release concerning the charges. And when they didn’t hear back, they went on local T.V. news with the whole story as they understood it then. This brought the state Attorney General into the mess and soon, it all coalesced around an overreaching local police officer who was then fired and then all of the charges were officially dropped against Leena.

She still stayed on with me for several days for all of the after flow of the events to calm down. And when the stabbing victim went on T.V. and announced that the whole thing really was her fault and she hoped that she and Anilene could eventually be friends again, all of the tensions over it evaporated.

In the meantime, Leena wanted to experiment with me over a number of sexual practices that she knew of but hadn’t experimented with at the hands of the clumsy young boys she usually slept with. So, we made a list and she promised that she wouldn’t leave until all of them were experienced by her and the first on the list was anal. Even Cora came and helped with some of them that required another female to accomplish. One of my dear male friends from the condo community helped out with some of the things that required more than one man.

She remained with me for about six weeks and then returned to her family and friends on the ‘rez.’ She was extremely careful about her former lady friend, the stabbing victim, because retaliation was a common occurrence among the native peoples, as it is among most others, too. I still see her once in a while. And she added some things to the list and reentered some others.

It was some time before Margoline came back into my life with a call to me. But, with her promising anything that I wanted to get into my good graces again, I decided to give her a chance. I told her that the first date would involve a black male friend of mine and would include double penetration of her pussy, and combined penetrations of her pussy and ass by us. And to finish it off, she would have to take us both in her mouth at the same time and also suck on his black girlfriend’s pussy while we diddled away at her pussy and ass.

There was a blank space on the line while she was considering this, and when she said that she would consider it, I hung up and never heard from her again.

‘Oh well, it would have been fun,’ I thought. But, I asked myself, where was I going to find a black man with a black girlfriend locally, who would like to do this with a whitey like me?

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