


Hello there! my name is yolan. people like to call me as yola, but honestly i like when you call me everyday and everynight *rizz*

Aight, i wanna tell you lil bit about me, you and us *cut*

i wanna tell you lil bit about me ofc. actually I'm a president of my world, so plz don't judge me if we'll be together forever and ever*cry*

OO. I'm not using english for my daily language, jadi kamu jangan bimbang ga bisa bahasa inggris kalo mau ngobrol sama aku —english ku juga masih basic— karena bahasa inggris cuma buat keren kerenan ku aja *hehe*

OI. I'm the type of person who likes random talk, so if you want to tell me things that don't make sense, I'll be there for you 7 days a week.

OII. I'm a person who can be chatted with small talk and can awaken the convo WHILE my partner doesn't CUT the convo.

OIII. I can be invited to have a serious chat, and maybe if you have a problem, I can help give you a solution.

OIV. I'm not a clingy gurl, so i never want your "24/7" for me, but if you need me, i can give my "24/7"

OV. I love watching movie(s) and k-drama(s) preff with thriller - horror genres.

OVI. I like something fun like hate-love relationship, so if u want tho maybe we can?

Aight, thats all from me, i hope we can talk each other after this, c yaa!!!.

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