Fox News's 'Swedish defence advisor' unknown to country's military officials

Fox News's 'Swedish defence advisor' unknown to country's military officials

Nils Bildt appears on Fox News on Thursday 23FEB2017, billed as ‘national security advisor’.


The Interview

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They called him a Swedish defense and national security advisor. That certainly means only one thing at first glance, that the guy is a federal employee of the Swedish national government, presumably fairly high ranking, that he advises the government on issues of domestic defense and security, and that he's representing that government by coming to speak on the show. Which is clearly false. However, it's not technically a lie, because this man is Swedish (check), and he is a so-called 'expert' on issues of security and defense (check) especially pertaining to political and economic climates. So Fox has knowingly and deliberately mislead their viewers by giving this man an air of legitimacy, by implication. But the way they do it is also clearly crafted so that it isn't technically false, and it could be argued that they aren't actually lying and have therefore done nothing wrong.

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