Prove Everyone Wrong

Prove Everyone Wrong

There was a moment when you actually said you gave up.

Surrender is an outcome far worse than defeat.

I won't tolerate that kind of weak behavior from a Saiyan.

Never forget what you are damnit. Where is your Saiyan Pride?

Wipe that smile off your face!

Is that your only Goal? you think it ends there? Think about the next threat. In a year or five or ten or think about your pride!

If Saiyan blood flows in your veins, If you're my son as you claim, then I won't tolerate you losing to anyone.

You'll be the best or you'll be nothing.

Come on. Find a way.

I entrusted everything to you, My Pride, My Promise, Everything!

I won't tolerate failure!

Trespass into the domain of the gods.

Do it! Find a way.

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