Lighting up the shadows

Lighting up the shadows

R. Ramsey "the $heriff"

Cryptocurrency. decentralised finance. The get rich scheme…A.K.A The mind of the normie. So, how true is it?

Let me give you, the reader, an insight of the reality of this void.

Coming into the space, many cycles ago the meme coin space was extremely simple. One of a few experienced developers would deploy a contract, one member would enter the telegram, and then another, and then another. Before you knew it, you had a community, an army, a family of members pushing one thing and one thing only, that being the one token that unites them. Brothers in arms.

Fast forward to today, 08/06/22 finding a developer can be likened to finding water in the ocean. An oversaturated market of developers so accustomed to forking contracts which they can barely read or understand, malicious players out to feast on innocent investors, Preying on investors like shark to fish. A genuine and honest developer is becoming extremely rare to find in this ever growing market.The lighthouse stands tall, towering above the ships that are engulfed by the waves, it is a beacon. A beacon of hope, a sign that good is out there. IT WILL FIND YOU as the light finds the ship, flooding it with light. The lightkeeper seeks to ensure the ships are navigated in the right direction, away from danger and the peril that awaits in the treacherous sea. The vessel being you, the reader. The lightkeeper seeks to steer the vessels of the ocean away from that exact danger, the sharks of the water, the predatory developers of this space.

The lighthouse opens soon…

Author: anonymous

CA: ERC-20 0x03E0dfE160fDD64681F491CbF0EE0366A7efcc2a

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