

Если поле пустое - выводить нотиф "FieldName can't be blank"

LOGIN: Incorrect username or password.

reCapcha: Please verify that you are a human

Step 1 Join  SHIPPER

First name - First name must consist from 2 to 60 characters of the Latin alphabet.

Last name - Last name must consist from 2 to 60 characters of the Latin alphabet.

Company name - Company name must consist from 2 to 90 characters.

Company phone number (from Insurance) - Company phone number must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Company Website - Company Website must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

HR phone number - HR phone number must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Federal ID Number - Federal ID Number must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Corporate phone - Corporate phone must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Corporate email - Corporate email must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Billing name - Billing name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Billing contact phone - Billing contact phone must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Billing contact email - Billing contact email must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Logistics contact name - Logistics contact name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Logistics contact phone - Logistics contact phone must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Street address - Street address must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Step 2 Join  SHIPPER

Email  - Email is already taken. / Please enter a correct email address.

Username - Username already exists / Username must consist from 6 to 60 characters of the Latin alphabet

Create Password - Password must consist of eight or more characters of the Latin alphabet, contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers.

Confirm Password - Passwords must match.

Step 1 Join  CARRIER

First name - First name must consist from 2 to 60 characters of the Latin alphabet.

Last name - Last name must consist from 2 to 60 characters of the Latin alphabet.

Company name - Company name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Company email - Company email must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Company phone number - Company phone number must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Company website - Company Website must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Owner First name - Owner First name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Owner Last name - Owner Last name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Owner SSN - Owner SSN must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

% OF OWNERSHIP - % OF OWNERSHIP must consist from 1 to 5 characters.

DOT Number - DOT Number must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

MC Number - MC Number must consist from 2 to 60 characters.


Billing name - Billing name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Billing contact phone - Billing contact phone must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Billing contact email - Billing contact email must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Step 2 Join  CARRIER

Haul References 

Company name - Company name must consist from 2 to 90 characters.

Contact person name - Contact person name must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Contact email - Contact email must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Contact phone number - Contact phone number must consist from 5 to 15 characters.

Step 3 Join  CARRIER

Street address - Street address must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

City - City must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

State - State must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Zip code - Zip code must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

Country - Country must consist from 2 to 60 characters.

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