


<div class="item"><p class="word"><b>innocent </b><i>adj. </i> </p>

<p> <sup> 1 </sup> <tt> not guilty </tt> </p>

<p> <u> VERBS </u><b> be, plead </b><i>He pleaded innocent to the charges. </i><b>| believe sb, presume sb </b><i>I had always believed her innocent. The accused person should always be presumed innocent until proved guilty. </i><b>| declare sb, find sb, prove sb </b><i>The court found her innocent of the crime. </i> </p>

<p> <u> ADV. </u><b> completely, entirely, totally, wholly </b> </p>

<p> <u> PREP. </u><b> of </b><i>I am totally innocent of this crime. </i> </p>

<p> <sup> 2 </sup> <tt> not intended/intending to cause harm </tt> </p>

<p> <u> VERBS </u><b> be, look, play, seem, sound </b><i>Stop playing innocent and answer my questions, please. </i> </p>

<p> <u> ADV. </u><b> very | all, altogether, perfectly </b><i>She tried to sound all innocent as she asked the question. The circumstance could be altogether innocent, but suspicions have been raised. </i><b>| relatively | apparently, seemingly </b> </p>

<p> <sup> 3 </sup> <tt> with no experience of the world </tt> </p>

<p> <u> VERBS </u><b> be, seem </b><i>She was sixteen and sweetly innocent. </i> </p>

<p> <u> ADV. </u><b> remarkably, very | sweetly | strangely </b><i>the strangely innocent world of her childhood </i><b>| sexually</b> </p>


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