Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

In her TED talk, Zeynep Tufekci talked about artificial intelligence and dystopian ideas.

She expresses her concerns about people being manipulated not only while they are online shopping, but also when they are informing themselves about politics. Human created algorithms get out of hand and can't be controlled and sometimes not even unterstood anymore. The victims of this manipulation are everyone. You might not realize it, because it happens so unnotizable, but each and everyone gets manipulated by online plattforms. Known companies and socialmedia plattforms just as Google, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube that have really intelligent algorithms that seem to be working for you, but also collect yoir information and can easily create a profile.

I think artificial intelligence beholdes a great danger in the way it is used, on the internet, right now, while it could also be an amazing advantage for internet users. I dont think, that anyone would want to be spyed on by algorithms and bots, that uncontrolled collect your information, save them and might even sell them to companies that then can make money out of your personal dates. Something unknown, that cant be touched, nor being seen, that hides behind adds and recommended products and videos.

Eventhough it is not handled the right way right now, being used for manipulation in sich serious topics like politics, it could also be an advantage for the humankind. Something that supports , instead of working against you. I think it would already be a better option, to clearly show internet users, that they are being acompanied by a bot on their search through the web, so that they dont feel spyed on anymore. There shouldnt also be no such thing like algorithms collecting information about you and plattforms selling your personal dates to someone, that wants to make money with it, with your knowledge. All in all an algorithms, like on Youtube, is not a bad thing. It recommends videos to you, based on your interests, that might be entertaining or even helpfull for you. The downside of this right now is just, that nobody completly knows, what really happens with the information. Profiles might be created, where the artificial intelligence figure out your character, sexual orientation, skin colour and even your political oppinion, only based on what videos you watch, and on the information, it has already collected from others, that watched similar videos to yours. I dont think that this should be allowed, since you have no controll over what happens to your pesonal dates or what you are even reveal from yourself by watching videos or shopping online.

To sum it up, you can say that artificial intelligence beholdes great danger, more then an advantage. Its made by human but already got out of hand. Since its inteligence developes with every information it collects, nobody really knows, what this invisible thing can do and that could become a threat to the humankind.

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