

In our school there are 4 floors.

On the first floor we have a biology classroom. In it, we study the structures of different organisms. Also on the ground floor there is a study of Russian language and literature. In this cabinet we read different books and learn different rules of the Russian language. Geography classroom is also on the 1st floor. There we are study how to find different cities on the map. On the 2nd floor, we have a mathematics class, in which we solve mathematical problems. Also on the 2nd floor there is a gym where we do sports. On the second floor there is a history classroom, in which we learn many interesting, historical facts. On the 3rd floor, we have an classroom where we study English. And on the 4th floor cabinet of informatics, where they teach us to do various actions with the information.

I was very pleased to give an excursion for you, I hope you enjoyed it.

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