

πŸ†Ž  Name: Aqua
πŸ†” AL ID: 89362
πŸ‘« Gender: female
πŸ”’ Age: Unknown
πŸŽ‚ Date of Birth: 8-1
πŸ“ƒ Blood Type: Unknown
πŸ“Š Liked By: 7639



Character ID: 89362

About Character and Role:

Aqua is a goddess of water. She guides humans who die young to the afterlife. Due to her cocky attitude towards [Kazuma](, she ends up being dragged to another world with him to defeat the Demon King. Aqua chose the advanced job of archpriest, as being a goddess she's naturally a strong wielder of healing magic. However, she spends most of her skillpoints on party trick skills.

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