


April is a difficult month, a month of confrontation and struggle. There may also be laziness.

Yes, it's not easy for everything (as it turned out). Only ended 28.03 retrograde Mercury (as we all expected) and here on you, again a month is not easy.

As always I repeat that everyone is individual and someone less sensitive to Astrological predictions, someone more, so for especially receptive some recommendations for April will not hurt.

Think through every action!

Analyze every action. In April, revenge can occur for past actions and for the negligence of life.

Be careful with your emotions. It is better not to tolerate, but not to splash out like a hysterics. More rest and alternate rest with work.

Pay attention to health. Check if you feel anxious, possibly exacerbated diseases.

In April it is also very good to get rid of all excess (connections, things, kilograms..) You can sit on a body purification program or eliminate harmful products, in April - it will be easier.

Note that many processes will take longer, longer. Do not demand from yourself and from others, give some relief. But if necessary, activate.

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