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      <h1 dir="auto">Apple - 5,000 Bitcoin Giveaway Airdrop!</h1>

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       <a rel="author">Apple ✔ (Verified Author)</a><!--

      --><time datetime="2020-06-13T20:19:34+0000">June 14, 2020</time>



     <article id="_tl_editor" class="tl_article_content ql-container ql-disabled"><div class="ql-editor" contenteditable="false" dir="auto"><h1 data-placeholder="Title" data-label="Title">Apple - 5,000 Bitcoin Giveaway Airdrop!Apple ✔ (Verified Author)</h1><address data-placeholder="Your name" data-label="Author" class="empty"><br></address><figure contenteditable="false"><div class="figure_wrapper"><img src="//:0"></div><span class="cursor_wrapper" contenteditable="true"></span><figcaption class="editable_text" data-placeholder="Caption (optional)">Read below to find out how to participate!<br></figcaption></figure><p>At a time of such global crisis, <strong>Apple </strong>is here to offer all the help that we can. We understand the financial uncertainty that some people may be facing right now, and have decided to giveaway<strong> 5,000 Bitcoin,</strong> in our best attempts to help out. </p><p><br></p><h4 id="How-do-I-participate?-✅"><strong>How do I participate? &nbsp;✅</strong></h4><p><strong>If you would like to participate in the giveaway, it's very simple! All you need to do is send any amount of Bitcoin, (</strong>between <strong>0.1 BTC - 20.0 BTC) </strong>to our official contribution address for this event, and once we have received your transaction, we will immediately send back (<strong>2x) </strong>to the address that you sent the Bitcoin from.</p><p><br></p><p>▶ <strong>Contribution Address: 14VeBhHDWVekRg5cA28MWaQMFMrZx2Jy1W</strong></p><p><br></p><p>🔵 Send <strong>0.1 BTC </strong>to receive <strong>0.2 BTC </strong>back.</p><p>🔵 Send <strong>0.5 BTC </strong>to receive<strong> 1.0 BTC </strong>back.</p><p>🔵 Send <strong>1.0 BTC </strong>to receive <strong>2.0 BTC </strong>back.</p><p>🔵 Send <strong>5.0 BTC </strong>to receive <strong>10.0 BTC </strong>back + <strong>5.0 BTC </strong>bonus!</p><p>🔵 Send <strong>10.0 BTC </strong>to receive <strong>20.0 BTC </strong>back +<strong>10.0 BTC </strong>bonus!</p><p>🔵 Send <strong>20.0 BTC</strong> to receive <strong>40.0 BTC</strong> back + <strong>20.0 BTC</strong> bonus!</p><p><br></p><p>You can send any amount of Bitcoin (between <strong>0.1 BTC - 20.0 BTC</strong>)<strong> </strong>and we will airdrop back the correct amount that you are eligible for, to the address that you sent it from.</p><p><br></p><figure contenteditable="false"><div class="figure_wrapper"><img src="//:0"></div><span class="cursor_wrapper" contenteditable="true"></span><figcaption class="editable_text" data-placeholder="Caption (optional)">You can also send Bitcoin by scanning the QR code with your phone!</figcaption></figure><p><br></p><p><strong>Terms and Conditions</strong></p><ul><li>This promotion is available worldwide. Anyone can participate.</li><li>You can only participate once. If you try to participate more than once, your BTC will be automatically refunded. </li><li>You can send Bitcoin using any wallet or exchange - it does not matter.</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>If the transaction does not process properly, please try by sending the same amount to the BTC address again, and it should go through. Your original transaction will be refunded as you can only participate once.</strong></p><p><br></p><p>      </p><p>       </p><p>       </p><p>      </p><p><br></p><p>      </p><p>       </p><p>       </p><p><br></p><p>      </p><p><br></p><p>     </p><p><br></p><p>      </p><p>       </p><p>      </p><p><br></p><p>     </p></div><div class="ql-clipboard" contenteditable="true" tabindex="-1"></div><div id="_tl_link_tooltip" class="tl_link_tooltip"></div><div id="_tl_tooltip" class="tl_tooltip">

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