

Dear Amazon,

I appreciate our relationships, which has been lasting for years, as well as I realize responsibility for my actions to you and my reputation as a seller to Amazon customers.

I totally admit my guilt and I will do my best to earn your trust again.

I understand that Amazon is very serious about non-compliance with their requirements, and I want to provide the Plan of actions, in which I explain what I did to solve this problem and what I will do to prevent similar issues in the future.

The root cause of the issue:

1) I have labeled the wrong product, as a result, I have sent the inventory, that doesn’t correspond to the included in the shipment plan: FBA15FWTFL6R .

One of my employees mistakenly sent with shipping labels created for Amazon few of his personal goods, which he kept in the workplace. Currently these shipments are identified and fixed.

The actions I have taken to resolve the issue:

1) I have found the exact reason of the inconsistency in the Shipment id: FBA15FWTFL6R and I eliminated this reason.

Also I have repeatedly called to the Amazon Seller Support to explain this erroneous discrepancy on my part, as well as details on its elimination.

2) I have checked all other shipments, that already were created, in order to prevent similar issues in the future.

3) I have significantly updated the teams of warehouse and shipping departments and each employee have been trained according to all the rules of preparation, packing, labeling and shipment in accordance with the policies and standards of Amazon.

4) I hired the specialist, who will monitor all the FBA shipments and maintain documentation, including the labels by which these packages are being sent.

5) I have improved the process of preparation and packing goods by incorporating an additional manual check on the contents of the item and it’s quality according to Amazon Condition Guidelines.

6) I have made significant changes in our inventory management software in order to prevent the misunderstandings and disagreements in the amount of sent and received packages, and to guarantee the accuracy of the shipped goods according to its barcode

7) A printed instruction of the correct preparation, packaging of the goods and sending it to your warehouses is attached at each workplace.

8) I have introduced a strict system of fines for keeping personal goods in our warehouse.

9) I have created the separate room for defective and incomplete goods.

10) I have installed the high-end video monitoring system in our warehouse and shipping department in order to prevent the risk of sending the wrong labeled packages.

The steps I have taken to prevent the issue going forward:

1) I will strictly follow all the rules of preparation, packaging, labeling and shipment of the goods to Amazon.

2) Inventory will be counted with barcode scanners and all adjustments will be recorded in our software.

3) Each package will be correctly labeled and have the necessary barcode. Including the inventory, that need appropriately labeled with Transparency codes.

4) Each shipment will be accompanied by photographing of the box from all sides and an item inside the box in order to guarantee the high quality of goods and also to avoid the risk of stealing or spoof of the contents of the boxes.

5) Each item will be thoroughly assessed according to Amazon Condition Guidelines before specifying its condition.

6) I will check the quality and compliance of the contents of the box regarding each item before the shipping to Amazon.

7) I will additionally check all shipments that have created within Amazon Seller Central at the end of each day to avoid any discrepancies

8) I will guarantee the accuracy and high quality of our inventory in each shipment.

9) I will strictly fulfil all the Terms and Policies, and make sure that the customers will receive the best products.

The evidence or examples that demonstrate that your account has complied with our policy:

1) I have created the 743 shipping plans for the last three years and for the first time made such a serious mistake. I deeply respect and follow all the rules and requirements of Amazon, and I sincerely apologize for this erroneous discrepancy.

But I made the necessary conclusions and believe that this plan will eliminate any previous issues.

Thank you for your attention.

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