


Hi, it's overmercy.

I know many of u wanna return Pink Mercy in game. Someone always speculating about this hot theme. But I've tried to figure out is there any real chances for this or not.

I collected all info about Pink Mercy together. So I hope it will be useful for u.

From the beginning 

So, at May 8 of 2018 Blizzard has released a special charity skin in Overwatch: Pink Mercy.

It was available for purchase in-game from May 8 to May 21 (2018) for real money. 

All sales of this limited-time legendary skin was benefited BCRF and their mission to end breast cancer.

Argument 1 - contract

Some people spreading rumors that Pink Mercy never come back because Blizzard has contract with BCRF that restrict them return this skin.

But this is only rumors, these people don't have proofs of terms of this contract.

At this point we don't have proofs that returning of Pink Mercy is impossible.

And we going to an argument 2

Argument 2 - BCRF partnership

One of fans asked BCRF about Pink Mercy skin returning and they answered. They said nothing about returning of Pink Mercy. But they said that they love partnership with Blizzard and they continue to be in contact with partners in Overwatch.

I think this means that they don't mind future partnership with Blizzard. If Blizzard should start new charity event to bring Pink Mercy back I think BCRF will react positively. Chances that BCRF will denie Blizzard's offer are very low coz it will provide only benefits to BCRF.

At this point we still do have possibility to bring Pink Mercy back.

Argument 3 - limited edition

Some people can said that bringing back Pink Mercy contradicts the concept of 'limited edition' items.

But there is no standart term like 'limited edition' in legal dictionary in legal field. That can means that every company can define this term as they want.

Also there are a lot of examples companies returning their 'limited edition' products! I can tell that this is common thing these days.

At the end of this topic we still don't have solid arguments that returning of Pink Mercy is impossible.

Argument 4 - Blizzard's limited edition skins

Although there is no certain definition to term 'limited edition' in legal field and dictionary but Blizzard can define it by themself and stick to this definition.

Let's see what limited edition skins do we have now.

First of all skins that have never came back.

  1. Kerrigan Widowmaker - was given for logging in in game on anniversary 2018. This skin never came back.
  2. Blizzcon skins (Winston, Bastion, Symmetra and Genji) were given for blizzcon ticket. These skins never came back.
  3. OWL legendary skins as All-Stars, MVP and others were given for 200 tokens limited time. These skins never came back (for now at least).
  4. Challenge skins (Doctor Ziegler Mercy, Bastet Ana, Mardi Gras Ashe and others) were given at limited time for 9 victories. These skins never came back.
  5. Event weekly challenge skins (Snow Angel Mercy and others) were given for 9 victories at aech week of event. These skins never came back.

And now lets look at exceptions:

  1. Noire Widowmaker was given for pre-order of Overwatch. But it was available later second time for pre-order of Overwatch on Nintendo Switch. Feels fair to new players on this console.
  2. Demon hunter Sombra was given for blizzcon ticket but later it was available at Halloween event for 9 victories. Important: developers have said in advance that this skin will be available later! And they kept their promise.
  3. Officer and Oni Genji were given for gaming progress in Heroes of the Storm (other Blizzard's game). Developers said that these skins will be available in loot boxes in the future! They kept their promise and now these skins are available for everyone. This decision is fair for console players who wasn't able to play HotS on PC.
  4. OWL Gray skins were given for OWL supporters on Twitch (for donations). There was a second chance to get some of them later: Tracer, Ana and Mercy Gray skins.

So as u can see in 1-5 situations blizzard stick to definition of 'limited edition' as it should be - these skins was available ONCE and have never came back ever again.

Situation 6 is understandable although they didn't warned players about it. Overwatch on Nintendo was released much later and maybe Blizzard wasn't planning to release game on this platform at the begging. Btw Pink Mercy was released before Overwatch on Nintendo appeared. Returning of Pink Mercy will be fair to Nintendo Players, but Blizzard didn't return all other limited skins (skins fron 1-5 point). We don't know why only Noire became an exception.

In situation 7 and 8 developers warned us about returning of this skins.

Situation 9 about Gray skins is more difficult because Overwatch League section is kinda separated from game and it is under the hard influence of sponsors! The same applies to All-Stars skins (at the moment I write this text there is info that OWL vice-president considering returning All-Stars skins in future).


At one hand Blizzard is very consistent about limited edition skins and have never return them back. All exceptions were due to important circumstances or with warnings in advance! So at this point I can tell that Blizzard won't bring Pink Mercy back. 

But this skin is really unique and has no analogues in game and maybe it will be another exception as Noire Widowmaker?

On the other hand there are no obstacles for Blizzard to start new charity event with BCRF and return Pink Mercy. Obviously for new charity event they can consider making new skin for other hero, but they can return Pink Mercy too as a bonus. For real money of course.

In the end I think that this scenario is very possible. But we totally don't know will Blizzard do it or not :(

At one sentence: there is a chance that Pink Mercy will be returned because we have example of Noire Widowmaker and Blizzard has an opportunity to start new partnership with BCRF in the future.

At the end I wanna discuss with u about all that negative to mercymains who talk about returning of Pink Mercy.

This is really understandable that mercymains want this unique cute pink skin for hero they love! There is nothing wrong with it!

But many people starting to insult mercymains for this just because mercymains talk about this TOO MUCH. I mean at every post with Pink Mercy u can see someone write something like 'plz return Pink Mercy!' no matter what was the post about. That can be quite annoying and inappropriate.

Also that was a charity skin and people have bad feelings that mercymains 'worried only about cute skin' but not about good cause.

Plus mercymains get a lot of hate by inertia for no reason at all.

That's sad and unfair. I hope mercymains and non-mercymains will understand each other better!

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