

Kirke Karolin Heiter

Pt. 7

1.   My one goal in life is to be happy. I´m not sure what I want to do after high school. I`m still figuring out what my career will be. I definitely don´t want just 1 type of career for the rest of my life. I want to explore and try new things all the time. I do want to be married and have at least 1 kid when I´m 30. Maybe have even more kids in the future but not more than 3.

2.  I don´t think I´ve hidden really important achievements from anyone. I like to share my happiness with others and make my parents proud. I do understand why people would do it, it`s because they don´t want others to think of them differently or use them. But if it`s something that will cause positivity and happiness, then it`s definitely worth sharing.

3.  In Estonia we are definitely blessed to have many free universities to study at. Mostly, in other countries, it`s very expensive. I get it if really successful collages are really expensive and with high standards. They deserve it. But there should be a lot more free collages and universities because education is really important. Self-education isn`t as good as going to the collage. Many things could be misunderstood and there is no one to ask. I don`t think university degree is always worth what it costs. If the university was cheaper of free, many more people would be educated and doing better in life.

4.  I have 3 best friends, who I can share anything with. I like having more than 1, because with each person you can talk about different subjects. The ones that they understand. I think it`s so interesting to have someone different from you, as your best friend. You will learn so much from them. Of course you have to have some things in common, otherwise it wouldn`t work out.

Pt. 9

1.   Will had a really difficult childhood. He was an orphan and had been in many foster families. As a child he experienced physical abuse. His step father even stabbed him. His childhood damaged him so much. He was emotionally unstable and couldn`t control his emotions. He was also scared to commit to relationships because he`s afraid everyone would leave him like his parents did. He was a rebel and did some stupid stuff that even led him to court. He worked as a cleaner in collage.

2.  Prof. Lambeau wants to make Will see, how smart he really is. Will doesnt`t care about that, but professor wants Will to become mathematician or scientist. He says otherwise it`s just waste of talent. Lambeau pressures Will a lot and the boy doesn`t like that.

3.  Will left a really good first expression to Skylar for defending her from some "want to be smart guy". Skylar got interested in Will and went to talk to him. Gave him her phone number and left. Later they went out on a date and that`s where the relationship started.

4.  Will gets arrested for assulting a group of boys and then a cop. He had assulted people before.

5.  Will didn`t go to jail because prof. Lambeau spoke to the judge and he agreed to release Will under 2 conditions:

1. Will has to meet with Lambeau every week (for math)
2. He sees a therapist

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