

Just For Laughs Team
A ready to go....
3 his hand is not injured
where the kid's?
5 all they stole a melon
2, but what's if car stopped?
4 he don't have kid, he look suspicious
the door it's open A

1 she is pregnant, 2 he sick 3 he will win
A bomb will explode in five minutes he could use that exit
a killer was entering a building from downstairs, Tom must takes elevator B quick
2 she wear wearing ring
answer is 3
1 she wear wedding ring
1 no blood 2 bullet hole answer is B
suicide because of betrayal
2 he don't have any apparatus for being blind no dog/no stick etc.
Answer is B
1 lying , he's nurse son
A _ coz she's taking him to ladies washrooms
Man has worn 2 gloves, 2 shoes ,glasses =67 ) the lest is yours i belive you already get answer
the one who can only use his left hand because (the wound is on left side answer 3
a gun reloaded it's murder
1 is answer belive me 😂
1 his never let kid sit back of the seat
doctor is right
When cats go down the stairs, they raise their tail to maintain balance. When they go up, the tails remain down cause balance isn't an issue
2 is a kidnapper he didn't wear id badge means he is not a teacher
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