



  • At the pituitary, Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) stimulates the synthesis and secretion of the gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).
  • These processes are controlled by the size and frequency of GnRH pulses, as well as by feedback from androgens and estrogens.
  • GnRH is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus region of the brain. GnRH moves through the bloodstream to the pituitary gland.
  • There, it binds to certain receptors. Those receptors signal the pituitary gland to create two more hormones which are LH and FSH.
  • High levels of estrogen and progesterone give negative feedback to hypothalamus for the release of GnRH resulting in inhibition of the gonadotropin release.

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