Zaid Rusli Asyrof Isnaini


1. Hoarding is an interesting, cheap, and somewhat useful hobby : don't throw anything out

2. Women love to throw stuff away. If something is broken, old or they simply don't it, they will just throw it away at whim. Men prefer to keep stuff forever because it might be needed later.

3. That expression means that one person can think something is garbage when another person thinks it's worth a lot

4. I don't think anything's worthless, but it will come in time/later

5. Water, food, medicine, knife, fire.


1. Both people walk away from one another, and after a number of poces, they quickly turn around and shoot. Some duels were ended when the first person shows blood and others end if someone dies

2. People will "agree to disagree" to end and argument if both people have strong beliefs

3. Dance, language, food

4. Because martial arts is a sports and people can defend themselves

5. Martial arts are bed because if you do martial art, you just gets injured

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