

My interests are web applications and open-source projects, such as, Mozilla community, R community, Nodejs community and Discourse project etc. I learned a lot from projects on github, discussions on stack overflow, and articles on tech blogs. I really respect open-source contributors and admire the spirit and passion of geek/hackers. They develop amazing products, share their thoughts, improve tech community and make significant contribution to the whole society. I am always motivated and get inspired by these talents.

Startup community is kind similar with open-source communities in terms of highly positive spirit and passions to solve problems or to make changes to the society. I guess one common reason for the people of doing startups is that they want to live in a world where is beautiful in their minds. However, they don't see it now and they couldn’t wait for it. So they build it by themselves. I hope to exchange ideas with and learn from the talented and passionate individuals with diverse background who have strong believes and great views to the industry and to the future. I would also like to know more about the interesting startups’ products and the ecosystem of the startups here. 

Thank you.

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