


To solve this task, you need to translate the text information into mathematical form. The friends' costs in mathematical form are:

John = 2 Strategy + 4 FPS + 6 RPG

Alex = 3 Strategy + 3 FPS + 5 RPG

Noah = 4 Strategy + 2 FPS + 3 RPG

We don't know the price of the games.

So we have to compare the number of purchased games.

 Let's sum up John and Noah's expenses:

John + Noah = 6 Strategy + 6 FPS + 9 RPG

If no one used the discount, then these costs are equal to two Alex.

Let's check this.

2 * Alex = 6 Strategy + 6 FPS + 10 RPG

John + Noah < 2 * Alex

Comparing, we notice that the two Alex's have one more RPG.

It follows that Alex took advantage of the discount.

 Answer: Alex.

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