


Red marks not to be used in calculations. Green marks that are used in calculations.

There is no need to calculate budget consumption for each department - it will take too much time. It is necessary to find the total consumption as a percentage (add up the percentage of consumption) of these three departments and knowing the total consumption percentage to calculate the budget consumption of the total budget in a given year.

Find the total consumption of the budget for these three departments in 2019.

14% + 26% + 30% = 70%.

Now calculate the total consumption of the budget of these three departments.

$20,000 * 70% = $14 000.

We make similar calculations for 2020.

We will find the total share of budget consumption for these three departments in 2020.

10% + 20% + 25% = 55%.

Now let us calculate the total consumption of the budget of these three departments.

$30,000 * 55% = $16 500.

Now let's calculate the difference between consumption in 2020 and consumption in 2019.

$16 500 – $14 000 = $2500.

Answer: $2500

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