Android Theming Variables Glossary: Settings

Android Theming Variables Glossary: Settings

@snejugal, @SventraPopizz, @NeoKio, @AlexStrNik
This part of Android Theming Variables Glossary is about Settings.
  • windowBackgroundGrayShadow sets the shadow color between sections in Settings.
The red area shows “windowBackgroundGrayShadow”


  • changephoneinfo_image sets the color of two SIM-cards and arrow between them in Settings → Phone.
  • sessions_devicesImage sets the color of phone and tablet image when you signed in only on one device, shown in Settings → Privacy and Security → Active Sessions.
The red area shows “chagephoneinfo_image” and the green area shows “sessions_devicesImage”

Stickers and Themes sections

  • stickers_menu sets the color of three dots icon beside a sticker pack or a theme.
  • stickers_menuSelector sets the ripple color when you tap the three dots icon.
The blue area shows “stickers_menu” and the red area shows ”stickers_menuSelector”
  • featuredStickers_addedIcon sets the color of the check mark you can see beside an added sticker pack or selected theme.
  • featuredStickers_addButton sets the background of the “Add” buttons.
  • featuredStickers_addButtonSelected sets the background of an “Add” button when you press the button.
  • featuredStickers_buttonText sets the color of the “Add” or “Remove” (on chat emoji panel) text on buttons.
  • featuredStickers_buttonProgress sets the color of the progress circle when a sticker pack is being added or removed (on chat emoji panel).
The red area shows “featuredStickers_addButton”, the blue area shows “featuredStickers_addButtonSelected”, the green areas show “featuredStickers_buttonText”, the orange area shows “featuredStickers_addedIcon”, the purple area shows “featuredStickers_buttonProgress”

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