Android Theming Variables Glossary: Controls

Android Theming Variables Glossary: Controls

@snejugal, @SventraPopizz, @NeoKio, @AlexStrNik
This part of Android Theming Variables Glossary is about controls.

Text fields

Like the field in Settings → Username.

  • Entered text color is set by windowBackgroundWhiteBlackText.
  • windowBackgroundWhiteHintText sets the color of an input's placeholder — it's the text that you see before you enter any text.
  • windowBackgroundWhiteInputField sets the bottom border color when the input is inactive.
  • windowBackgroundWhiteInputFieldActivated sets the bottom border color when the input is active.
The red area shows “windowBackgroundWhiteHintText”, the blue area shows “windowBackgroundWhiteInputField”, and the green area shows “windowBackgroundWhiteInputFieldActivated”


Like in Settings.

  • switchTrack sets the color of a switch track — its background — when the switch is turned off.
  • switchThumb sets the color of a switch thumb — the circle at the end of a switch — when the switch is turned off.
  • switchTrackChecked sets the color of a switch track when it's turned on.
  • switchThumbChecked sets the color of a switch thumb when the switch is turned on.
The red area shows “switchThumb”, the blue area shows “switchTrack”, the green area shows “switchTrackChecked”, and the pink area shows “switchThumbChecked”


Like in Chat info → Notifications → Customize.

  • checkboxSquareUnchecked sets the border of a checkbox when it's unchecked.
  • checkboxSquareDisabled sets the background of a checkbox when it's disabled. Like in Settings of a group that's not converted to a supergroup.
  • checkboxSquareBackground sets the background of a checkbox when it's checked.
  • checkboxSquareCheck sets the color of the check mark when the checkbox is checked.
The red area shows “checkboxSquareUnchecked”, the blue area shows “checkboxSquareBackground”, the green area shows “checkboxSquareCheck”, and the orange area shows “checkboxSquareDisabled”

Openable list control

Like your country's name in Settings → Phone → Change Number.

  • windowBackgroundGrayLine sets the border color of this element.
The red area shows “windowBackgroundGrayLine”

Progress indicators

“inner” postfix stands for the indicator background, “outer” stands for the indicator fill bar.

  • contextProgressInner1 and contextProgressOuter1 set the progress indicator when an edited message is being saved.
  • contextProgressInner2 and contextProgressOuter2 set the progress indicator on the action bar when a group is being created or a game is being loaded.
  • contextProgressInner3 and contextProgressOuter3 set the progress indicator on the top bar when opening a link using Instant View. These variables can be changed only with .attheme editor.
  • login_progressInner and login_progressOuter set the timer counting progress indicator when you're signing in and waiting for a call from Telegram that it will process automatically (usually Telegram makes a call when you're signed in another device but you can't access it to get the sign in code).
The red area shows “contextProgress*1”, the green area shows “contextProgress*2”, the purple area shows “contextProgress*3”, and the orange area shows “login_progress*”
  • progressCircle sets the color of the loading indicator below lists.
The red area shows “progressCircle”

Action buttons

Profile screen

  • profile_actionBackground sets the button background.
  • profile_actionPressedBackground sets the button overlay when it's pressed.
  • profile_actionIcon sets the color of the icon near the profile. In groups where you are an admin this icon is “Set picture icon”, while looking at profiles it's “New Message” button or “Move to current location” on the location attach screen.
The red area shows “profile_actionBackground”, the orange area shows “profile_actionPressedBackground”, and the green area shows “profile_actionIcon”

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