Android Theming Variables Glossary: Chats List

Android Theming Variables Glossary: Chats List

@snejugal, @SventraPopizz, @NeoKio, @AlexStrNik
This part of Android Theming Variables Glossary is about chats list.

General variables

  • chats_message sets the color of messages below the chat titles.
  • chats_date sets the time or date color in the top right corner of a chat.
  • chats_nameMessage sets the sender name color in groups.
  • chats_actionMessage sets the color of texts like “You joined the channel” and also attached message type (like photo, GIF, video etc) if the sender name is omitted.
  • chats_attachMessage sets the attached message type like photo, video, audio etc if the sender name is not omitted.
  • chats_draft sets the “Draft” text color that appears when you type some text and then close the chat without sending it.
The blue underline shows “chats_message”, the orange underline shows “chats_date”, the red underline shows “chats_nameMessage”, the light green underline shows “chats_actionMessage”, the dark green line shows “chats_attachMessage”, and the purple line shows ”chats_draft”

Typical chats

  • chats_name sets the title color of a chat.
  • chats_nameIcon sets the icon color of a chat if the chat is a channel or a group.
The red underline shows “chats_nameIcon” and the green line shows “chats_name”

Secret chats

  • chats_secretName sets the color of a secret chat title.
  • chats_secretIcon sets the color of a secret chat icon.
The red underline shows “chats_secretIcon” and the blue underline shows “chats_secretName”

Unread counter

  • chats_unreadCounter sets the background color of unread counter background if the chat is not muted. Also it sets the background if the mention icon (“@”) if you've been mentioned in the chat.
  • chats_unreadCounterMuted sets the background color of unread counter background if the chat is muted.
  • chats_unreadCounterText sets the text color of unread counter, independently whether the chat is muted.

Note: the “@” mention icon cannot be changed for unknown reasons.

The red area shows “chats_unreadCounter”, the green area shows “chats_unreadCounterMuted”, and the purple area shows “chats_unreadCounterText”

Verified icon

  • chats_verifiedBackground sets the background color of a verified icon.
  • chats_verifiedCheck sets the check color inside a verified icon.
An example of a verified icon

“Send message” button

  • chats_actionBackground sets the background of the “New Message” button.
  • chats_actionPressedBackground sets the overlay of the the “New Message” button when it's pressed. The overlaying means that if you set the alpha channel of this variable to less that 255, the button won't become transparent, but it will mix two colors. It overlays only the background, but not the icon.
  • chats_actionIcon sets the icon on the “New Message” button.
The red area is “chats_actionBackground”, the green area is “chats_actionPressedBackground”, and the yellow area is “chats_actionIcon”

Left menu

  • The selector on this menu is listSelectorSDK21, because the menu is a list.
  • chats_menuBackground sets the background color of the left panel.
  • chats_menuItemText sets the text color on the left panel.
The red area shows “chats_menuBackground” and the green underlines show “chats_menuItemText”s

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