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Амстердам зданий

2 основные концентрации:

Центр: Золотой век, Het Schip, Scheepvaarthuis, восточные доки, borneo (West 8), Java, Ijburg (на трамвае), Haarlemmerbuurt (быстрый обзор разных стилей: классические дома-склады, узкий мост, современные кварталы), осмотр с парома до eye museum

Юг: жилые кварталы Rivierenbuurt и современная архитектура делового юга (Foster, Egeraat)

проезд на М52 до europaplein, особенности ветки, глубокое заложение и чередующиеся тоннели

  1. Истоки: Площадь Дам/Рокин, особенности местности, дома на сваях и дома на каналах, структура и эстетика эпохи Ост-Индийской компании, Кейперс и урбанистическая концепция центрального вокзала/райхсмузея
  2. Амстердамская школа:

  3. Использования кирпича как элемента структуры и дизайна, особенности кладки, связь с течениями начала ХХ в. (арт дело, арт нуво, функционалисты)
  4. Социалистические идеи, архитектура как общественное искусство, и их воплощение в муниципальных зданиях (народный дом корабль, Het Schip) и жилых кварталах (Rivierenbuurt)
  5. Scheepvaarthuis, дом судоходства, Jan van der Mey
  6. Биржа Берлаге
  7. Жилые кварталы юга: Michel de Klerk, Piet Kramer
  8. Персоналии: Eduard Cuypers и созданные им условия для Клерка, Мея и Крамера, как из неоренессанса и модерна (Spui 10) вышли функциональные здания общественного искусства амстердамской школы
  9. Восточные доки:

  10. Lloyd Hotel (MVRDV, 1921/2005) - хостел для мигрантов, переоборудованный в дизайн-отель
  11. Java: индустриальные блоки переоборудованные в пешеходные/велосипедные зоны
  12. Borneo: относительно высокая жилая плотность, мосты-питоны
  13. Современные течения:

  14. Колхас и вдохновения русскими конструктивистами - строящийся nHow и проекты Лисицкого, Иван Леонидов, вдохновение Родченко и теорией дезурбанизма, архитекторы, как сценаристы, соединяющие сюжеты в единое целое, переоборудованный Stedelijk
  15. Starchitects: Piano, Foster, MVRDV - офисные здания юга
  16. Разное: 3D-printed concept house, sustainable architecture, houseboats, bike parkings, музей “Наш Господь На Чердаке”


IJburg is Amsterdam’s most recent city extension and will eventually count 18,000 homes. It consists of 7 artificial islands in lake IJmeer, which are being created in phases. First nothing but sandy plains in the water, the islands gradually turn into full-fledged city districts, offering high-quality housing on the waterfront. Each island will have its own building typology and character. Due to the long-term nature of the project, the urban plans are also developed in phases, so they can be adapted to current needs and trends. The development of the first 4 islands started in 1999 and was finished in 2011. The second phase started in 2013 with the creation of Centrumeiland.

The archipelago features a large variety of urban concepts and architectural typologies, including floating houses, private villas, waterfront houses, perimeter blocks with collective courtyards, temporary school buildings and a harbour on lake IJsselmeer.

Tram ride to IJburg

Explanations about the urban concept and creation of the islands

Walk across Steigereiland

Row houses and detached villas (by a.o. VMX Architects, Rocha Tombal, Claus en Kaan, 2007-2011), residential blocks (a.o. ANA Architecten) and office buildings on the waterfront (BO6, OeverZaaijer, 2011)

Water district Steigereiland Noord

Stilt houses and floating houses by Marlies Rohmer Architecten (2010) and various other architects

Coffee break

Walk across Kleine Rieteiland and Haveneiland

Residential blocks with collective courtyards by a.o. VMX Architects, de ArchitektenCie, de architectengroep, Atelier Kempe Thill. Villas by a.o. BO6, Bosch Architects.

Tennis Club (MVRDV, 2015)

End of tour e.g. at tram stop

Start of the tour at the Lloyd Hotel

Explanations about past and present of the area, key success factors, urban context, masterplans

Lloyd Hotel (MVRDV, 1921/2005)

Short visit of the reception and restaurant area of the former immigrant's hostel, turned into a design hotel

KNSM-Eiland + Java-Eiland (1995/1997)

Masterplans by Jo Coenen and Sjoerd Soeters: large solitary blocks along a central boulevards versus urban blocks framing a green pedestrian/cycling zone

Residential buildings by a.o. Hans Kollhoff and Christian Rapp, Wiel Arets, KCAP

Walk across Borneo-Sporenburg

Masterplan by West 8 (1999): high-density patio houses and waterfront villas mixed with megablocks

Residential buildings by various architects

Walk through Funenpark

Explanations about the past and present of the area, urban concept, landscape design

Residential buildings by a.o. Frits van Dongen/de Architekten Cie, NL Architects, DKV, Geurst en Schulze:

"hidden delights" behind a sound barrier, integrated into green space

Landscape architecture by Landlab

End of the tour at the Central Station

Start of the tour at the Central Station

Central Station

Explanations about the building by Pierre Cupyers and the urban context


In Oosterdok harbour lies artificial peninsula Oosterdokseiland, which used to house a post distribution centre and has been transformed into a new city district. Visit the Public Library by Jo Coenen, which is furnished entirely with Dutch design (2007).

Short ferry ride to the other side of the water

EYE Film Institute, Delugan Meissl

Amsterdam's latest icon lies just a 5-minute ferry ride away from the station (2012)

ADAM Tower, Arthur Staal/Claus en van Wageningen

Coffee break

Westerdok und IJdok

A new residential area on the waterfront with collective courtyards and an artificial island with a canyon-like incision

End of tour at the Central Station

Visits to several renovation, renewal and new-build projects in Amsterdam-West:

"Airey" prefab buildings (J.P. Berghoef, 1951) • housing block Parkrand (MVRDV, 2006) • Dudok-blocks (W.M. Dudok, 1958 / Van Schagen, 2010) • Atelier houses (Willem van Tijen, 1959) • Verfdoos blocks (Allert Warners, 1954 / Van Schagen, 2010) • Old people’s housing WoZoCo (MVRDV, 1998) • Town Houses (Atelier Kempe Thill, 2010) • Residential area Staalmanplein (Onix, 2011) • DIY-apartments Klarenstraat (2015) • Delflandpleinbuurt (Dick van Gameren, ANA, Snitker & Borst, 2010)

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