

Heera's superhero, Galileo Raksadama.

i choose you. and I'll choose you over and over. without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you.

you're my home, you're my home because you're the place i choose to return to over and over again. the place that, even when painful, means the most. you're my home because you have made me who i am, whether or not you realized what you were doing. you're my home because you showed me the best kind of love there is.

i love you. it's that clear, that simple. and i know sometimes i can be a disappointment, that i rarely know what i want or think before i act, but you should know that in half a lifetime of spectacular messes, you are the very first thing that's felt right.

my sweetheart, Heera Marjorie.

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