


This story takes place in a fictional town, in a fictional country, in a fictional world. One morning, a young lady awakens to find that she has lost all her memories prior to that morning. Her life, her relationships, her very name—all gone. All that's left is a cell phone with numbers and names she doesn't recognize and Orion, a young boy that only she appears to be able to see. With Orion's guidance, she struggles to make sense of herself, a boyfriend she doesn't know and the thousand and one little things that make up a daily life. But with no memories left, the only alternative is to forge new ones, even if that means leaving old loves behind.
(Source: Sentai Filmworks)

Main Characters:


🇯🇵 ケント

Character ID: 70415

About Character and Role:

25 years old. University graduate. He is best friends with Ikki. He likes making math puzzles and observing things. He likes every single type of animal, because he likes to observe them all. His symbolic route in the game is the 'Clover'. Source: Wikipedia


🇯🇵 主人公

Character ID: 70403

About Character and Role:

Height: 159cm (5'2")
Age: 19

An amnesiac young woman who tries to regain her memories with the help of the spirit Orion. She's the protagonist of the series.

Her personality and past depend on which route the player chooses.


🇯🇵 シン

Character ID: 70413

About Character and Role:

18 years old. Shin is one of the main male characters you can interact with. He is the childhood sweetheart and friend of the heroine, and is childhood friend of Toma. He is in 3rd year high-school and is now studying hard to get into a university. He likes playing card games and he's in the track and field club. His favorite animals are dogs. His symbolic route in the game is the "Heart."


🇯🇵 イッキ

Character ID: 70409

About Character and Role:

22 years old. Fourth year University student. He is best friends with Kent. He has a 19-year-old younger sister. He also likes playing darts, billiards, and table tennis. He is apparently unbeatable at any game that uses hands, which is basically every single game. One of his hobbies is solving Kent's math puzzles. His favorite animal is supposed to be the hamster. His symbolic route in the game is the "Spade." (Source: Wikipedia)


🇯🇵 トーマ

Character ID: 70411

About Character and Role:

Heroine's childhood friend.
Second year in University student. He is a childhood friend of Shin. He likes playing basketball, cycling, surfing the internet, playing video games, cooking, and reading. He is in quite a few school clubs, such as: soccer, broadcasting, archery, and newspaper. His favorite animals are humans. His symbolic route in the game is the "Diamond."


🇯🇵 ウキョウ

Character ID: 70407

About Character and Role:

Age: 24 Gender: Male Eyes: Green Hair: Green Occupation: Photographer Ukyo is a tall, slim young man with waist-length green hair and green eyes. His bangs fall freely over his face, down to his cheeks, and there is a long braid on Ukyo's right, held together using a white hair-band. Ukyo's personality is out of the ordinary. He has a split personality disorder; one of his personalities is kind and caring, the other is somewhat crazy and menacing. When overcome with his more maddened and twisted personality, Ukyo develops dark lines under his eyes and he tends to grin very widely. His symbolic route in the game is the "Joker." (Source: Wikipedia, Amnesia wiki)


🇯🇵 オリオン

Character ID: 70405

About Character and Role:

A spirit that helps the heroine recover her memories. Orion has a very caring and eccentric personality, and can be very emotional at times. He is an all around nice and innocent spirit who tries to be helpful, but he's also very clumsy.

More Info:

Started On: 7/1/2013


• Brain's Base

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