

[Verse 1]

I was born in a thunderstorm

I grew up overnight

I played alone

I played on my own

I survived


I wanted everything I never had

Like the love that comes with light

I wore envy and I hated that

But I survived


من در یک رعد و برق به دنیا آمدم

من یک شبه بزرگ شدم یه در طول شب بزرگ شدم

تنهایی بازی کردم

با خودم ,تنها بازی کردم

من زنده ماندم

من جان سالم به در بردم


من چیزهایی رو میخواستم که هیچوقت نداشتم

مثل عشقی که با نور میاد

من حسود بودم و از حسادتم متنفر بودم

ولی زنده ماندم


//آهنگ با i was born مثل داستان هایی که تراژدی شروع میشه

//سیا میخواد بگه زندگی سختی داشته ... خیلی سخت 



I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go

Where the wind don't change

And nothing in the ground can ever grow

No hope, just lies

And you're taught to cry into your pillow

But I survived


من یه بلیت یک طرفه به جایی داشتم که همه شیطان ها به آنجا میروند ... جههنم

حایی که جهت وزش باد تغییر نمی کند

و حتی هیچ چیز نمیتواند در آنجا رشد کند

هیچ امیدی نیس, فقط دروغ 

و تو یاد میگری که توی بالشتت گریه کنی

اما, من زنده موندم



I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing

I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing

I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive

 من هنوز دارم نفس میکشم ... من زنده ام 


[Verse 2]

I found solace in the strangest place

Way in the back of my mind

I saw my life in a stranger's face

And it was mine


من آرامش را در عجیب ترین جا یافتم

راهش در پشت ذهن من است !!!

من زندگیمو توی صورت یک غریبه دیدم

و اون صورت خودم بودم



//سیا در درون خودش پناه گاهی یافته و از عهده همه چالش ها بر اومده 




I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go

Where the wind don't change

And nothing in the ground can ever grow

No hope, just lies

And you're taught to cry into your pillow

But I survived



I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing

I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing

I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive



You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing

You took it all, but I'm still breathing



I have made every single mistake

That you could ever possibly make

I took and I took and I took what you gave

But you never noticed that I was in pain

I knew what I wanted; I went in and got it

Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't

I told you that I would never be forgotten

And all in spite of you


من هر اشتباهی رو کردم که 

ممکن بود تو انجام بدم

من گرفتم , گرفتم, هرچی که تو دادی

اما هیچوقت متوجه نشدی که من درد میکشم

من میدونستم که چی میخوام;من رفتم و بدست آوردمش

همه چیز هایی که تو گفتی نکنی رو انجام دادم

من بهت گفته بودم که من هیچوقت بخشیده نخواهم شد یا بخشیده شده نخواهم بود

و همه در وجود تو



And I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing

I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing

I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing)

(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)

I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing)

(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)

I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing)

(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)

I'm alive



I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive

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