



Is there is a person who inspires you and why&

express questions

Lesson 22.11

1) SP (USING PHRASES) The book 7pg +phrases 5min

2) SP (USING WORDS) article - translation 10min

4) Vocab 15min

to treat someone well, properly, to get a glimpse of, surface

  • to spruce up - прихорашивать
  • a countertop - рабочая поверхность
  • to be packed to the brim - быть забитым до краев
  • musty - затхлый

to knead, rolling pin, push pin, one-off incident, прерывать беременность, mug, miscarriage, ironing board, curtains, bookshelf, chances are, clean the bath tub, to mop the floor, to pop the question, pretend to be silly, to vacuum, to hoover, to rinse, to pour, get rid of something, to collect, recommendation, fear

7)SP Talking about Forbs tips - 10 min

Homework for Thursday

2) слова все доучить

3) книга на пересказ 10 стр+план+7 фразы выписать

4) предложения со словами новыми

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