Alfredo Jaar

Alfredo Jaar

Dicecream Magazine

📷🎬🗿Alfredo Jaar (born 1956) is a Chilean-born artist, architect, and filmmaker who lives in New York City. 

The art of Alfredo Jaar is usually politically motivated, strategies of representation of real events, the faces of war or the globalized world, and sometimes with a certain level of viewer participation (in the case of many public interventions and performances).

"There's this huge gap between reality and its possible representations. And that gap is impossible to close. So as artists, we must try different strategies for representation...

...process of identification is fundamental to create empathy, to create solidarity, to create intellectual involvement."

Current exhibitions:

Alfredo Jaar: The Garden of Good and Evil

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

14 Oct 2017–8 Apr 2018

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