

👓 Coelho P.


✅ The new novel by the author of The Alchemist. Aleph marks a return to Paulo Coelhos beginnings. In a frank and surprising personal story, one of the worlds most beloved authors embarks on a remarkable and transformative journey of self-discovery. Facing a grave crisis of faith, and seeking a path of spiritual renewal and growth, Paulo decides to start over: to travel, to experiment, to reconnect with people and the world. On this journey through Europe, Africa, and Asia, he will again meet Hilal - the woman he loved 500 years before - an encounter that will initiate a mystical voyage through time and space, through past and present, in search of himself. Aleph is an encounter with our fears and our sins; a search for love and forgiveness, and the courage to confront the inevitable challenges of life.


Fleming I. «Casino Royale»
Fleming I. «Casino Royale»
Кэрролл Л. «Алиса в Стране Чудес. Сказка на русском и английском языках»
Кэрролл Л. «Алиса в Стране Чудес. Сказка на русском и английском языках»
Fitzgerald F.S. «The Great Gatsby = Великий Гэтсби: роман на англ.яз»
Fitzgerald F.S. «The Great Gatsby = Великий Гэтсби: роман на англ.яз»
Grisham J. «The Firm»
Grisham J. «The Firm»
London J. «On the Makaloa Mat and The Road = На циновке Макалоа и Дорога. Т. 27: на англ.яз»
London J. «On the Makaloa Mat and The Road = На циновке Макалоа и Дорога. Т. 27: на англ.яз»

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