/x/ - Paranormal (Anonymous)
> year is 2021, a fun little generator named dall-e mini is released
> seemingly came out of nowhere
>it can generate anything you type into a picture
>they look pretty low quality and bad but its fun
>people use it to make it funny pictures, nobody takes it that seriosuly, it kind of becomes forgotten at some point

fast forward to 2023

> dall-e mini is rebranded, bunch of new ai generators suddenly appear in a fast rate
>they are really high quality
>can pretty much generate anything you want, REALLY good
>suddenly, people start to blame random artists of using ai
>sites has to put bans on ai "art"
>many artists leave because of being accused of using ai
>suddenly , ai becomes so advanced it can fake voices of actual people
>what started as a little generator making pictures of funny things you type suddenly is at a point where you can fake voices, art, essays and so much more
>apperently all of this happened in just 2 years

am i the only one who feels something is off

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