II. 35 ahiṁsāpratiṣṭhāyāṁ tatsannidhau vairatyāga

Light On The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali B. K. S. Iyengar

«ahimsa» – non-violence, non-harming, non-injury

«pratishthayam» – having firmly established, being well grounded in

«tat » – that, of his or her

«vaira-tyagah» – give up hostilities (vaira – hostility, enmity, aggression; tyaga – abandon, give up)

When non-violence in speech, thought and action is established, one’s aggressive nature is relinquished and others abandon hostility in one’s presence

When the yogi has thoroughly understood the nature of violence, he is established firmly in the practice of non-violence. Peace in words, thoughts and deeds, whether awake or dreaming, is a sign of goodwill and love towards all

In the vicinity of a yogi, men and animals who are otherwise violent and antipathetic towards each other, abandon their hostility and exhibit friendliness and mutual tolerance.

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