P3 - Job nhslcprd-Agent-Store-Daily on USMEGLS0020 has ended with a status of FAILED

P3 - Job nhslcprd-Agent-Store-Daily on USMEGLS0020 has ended with a status of FAILED


Refer INC30652115

P3 - Job nhslcprd-Agent-Store-Daily on USMEGLS0020 has ended with a status of FAILED

Description: nhslcprd-Agent-Store-Daily on USMEGLS0020 has failed. Please run job manually.

Check the attachment. Below are the contents of the attachment file in the ticket.


Job Started . . . : 11/11/2019 12:00:14 EST

Job Name . . . . : nhslcprd-Agent-Store-Daily

Job ID . . . . . : 2919

Job Description . : Odd Hours ./bin/triggeragent.sh SCHEDULE_STORE_ORDER > ./logs/OMS_SCHEDULE_STORE_Trigger.log 2>&1

Job Parameters . : 

Run Number . . . : 37682205

Agent Environment : nhslcprd

Agent Name . . . : USMEGLS0020

Agent Owner . . . : skybot

Agent OS . . . . : Linux 2.6.32-754.15.3.el6.x86_64

Agent Relmod . . : R04M021180402

Server Name . . . : USMBG-ITASKYX01.phx-dc.dhl.com:7472

Starting process with command: /opt/skybot/agent/bin/Linux/x86_64/robotterm -n su nhslcprd


Value of TERM has been set to "robotterm".

Timeout is set to 300 seconds. 

 ---- you are working on Virtual server ---- 

usmegls0020.phx-dc.dhl.com:stty cols 10000

usmegls0020.phx-dc.dhl.com:echo COMPLETED_CMDID_20191111.120014.584: $?

COMPLETED_CMDID_20191111.120014.584: 0

usmegls0020.phx-dc.dhl.com:cd /u01/app/nhslcprd/IBM/Sterling

usmegls0020.phx-dc.dhl.com:echo COMPLETED_CMDID_20191111.120014.685: $?

COMPLETED_CMDID_20191111.120014.685: 0

usmegls0020.phx-dc.dhl.com:./bin/triggeragent.sh SCHEDULE_STORE_ORDER > ./log

<./bin/triggeragent.sh SCHEDULE_STORE_ORDER > ./logs                        /OMS_SCHEDULE_STORE_Trigg

<DULE_STORE_ORDER > ./logs/OMS_SCHEDULE_STORE_Trigge                     r.log 2>&1

usmegls0020.phx-dc.dhl.com:echo COMPLETED_CMDID_20191111.120015.358: $?

COMPLETED_CMDID_20191111.120015.358: 1



Job ended at 11/11/2019 12:00:29 EST

Job terminated due to failure of command 1: ./bin/triggeragent.sh SCHEDULE_STORE_ORDER > ./logs/OMS_SCHEDULE_STORE_Trigger.log 2>&1

Command return code did not match passing return codes: 0


Need to review Skybot URL:


Had requested in GSN for access to Skybot on 12th Nov 2019 via ticket # INC30664712

Go to - http://usmbg-itaskyx01:8008/

Login with your credentials.

If you do not have one, write to Don Newcomer or create a ticket in GSN.

Then go to Jobs tab and then Individual Jobs

In Name column give filter as nhslcprd-Agent-Non-Store-Daily

Then Go to History tab and then in Name column give filter as nhslcprd-Agent-Non-Store-Daily

You will see if it is still in failed mode or Completed mode.

If it is in Completed mode, close the ticket since it has auto started again.

If it is still in failed mode, then follow the below process.

Login into AAA account via putty.

a. Log into phxmgt or prgmgt

b. Run kinit

c. swrap nhslcprd@usmegls0020

Navigate to the /u01/app/nhslcprd/IBM/Sterling/agents directory (or just type the shortcut agents)

Run any of the following as per which agent has stopped working:

./check_agents_batches.sh check_agents_batches.conf 1

./check_agents_batches.sh check_agents_batches.conf 2

./check_agents_batches.sh check_agents_batches.conf 3

./check_agents_batches.sh check_agents_batches.conf 4

This will start any agents not currently running.

NOTE: It may take up to 20 minutes for all the agents to start. Wait for them to start and do not execute the script again.

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