OBJECTIVE OF AFTERMATH: The objective of Aftermath is for all of the players to accomplish the goals of the characters and keep the colony from disbanding. 

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 to 4 Players

MATERIALS: 1 Adventure Book, 23 Plastic Meeples, 2 Resolution Dice, 1 Gameboard, 1 Sideboard, 1 Travel Map, 1 Discovery Deck, 4 Character Cards, 37 Action Cards, 4 Character Influence Cards, 51 Item Cards, 17 Status Cards, 20 Ability Cards, 17 Encounter Cards, 8 Mission Cards, 22 Enemy Cards, 10 Environment Cards, 13 Vehicle Cards, 1 Situation Token, 1 Party Marker, 25 Wound Tokens, 1 Scavenge Token, 8 Battery Tokens, 4 Objective Tokens, 5 Fire Tokens, 8 Roach Tokens, 4 Hornet Drones, 1 Dustfeather Token, 3 Heavy Object Tokens, 1 Fishhook Token, 3 Aim Tokens, 1 Boat Token, 1 Struck Standee, 1 Jeep Standee, 2 Enemy Bike Standees, 2 Skate Standees, 1 Smoke Standee, 4 Standee Stands, 7 Dial Connectors, 7 Deck Boxes, and 14 Baggies

TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Board Game

AUDIENCE: Ages 14 and Up


Players take on roles of providers for their colony. Humans have vanished, and the animals control the colonies now. Each character has their own style and personality. The players adventure out into the wilderness, away from the safety of the colonies. Grow your colony by providing resources, building structures, and making improvements. The players must finish all of the objectives and keep the colony alive, or else they will lose everything. 카지노사이트추천


TO begin setup, place the Adventure Book in the middle of the playing area with the sideboard placed on the right side. The travel map should be placed near the Adventure Book, with the party marker placed on the Abbigail Lane spot. All of the players will then choose a character, choosing the deck box that matches their character.

The action deck, item deck, and encounter cards are shuffled separately, creating three shuffled decks. Create four faceup decks including a deck of the status cards, a deck of environment cards, a deck of mission cards, and a deck of boss enemy cards. All of the scavenge tokens are placed face down into different piles, depending on level of difficulty.

Separate stacks of wound tokens, battery tokens, dustdeather tokens, hornet tokens, roach tokens, fire tokens, and objective tokens are created. The rest of the game pieces can be sat to the side until they are needed.

The game is ready to begin.


During a player’s turn, they have five steps they must complete in chronological order. Firstly, they must draw five action cards. If they have action cards remaining in their hand from a prior turn, they may discard any of them they wish. If there are not enough cards in the deck, the player may shuffle the discard pile, and then draw from it.

Secondly, they must resolve calamity. If a player draws a calamity card, they reveal it and then add it to the discard pile. If it has already been resolved per the Adventure book, then nothing occurs. If it is not resolved, the player will roll the black die. Then add the roll to the time dial. If the number is higher than the value found on the card, then it is resolved.

Next, a player will place threats by placing the black cards onto the threat track in an order of their choosing. If the slot already has an enemy card on it, then the player will simply slide the threat card underneath the enemy card. After they have placed threats, the player will perform actions. Any, and all, of their action cards can be used to complete actions.

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