

◆ Title:The beginning of the book of Revelation and the mystery of the seven stars and the seven lampstamds:

◆Main reference: Rev1:9-20


 Just like in a theatre, the characters, drama scenes and the overall events of drama/movie can be seen and perceived. In the same manner, the events of the book of revelation could as well be perceived, seen and felt only when the believers can witness and experience the fulfillment which are tangible then we can believe the events that are happening according to the prophecy.The seven churches which is the location of the events of the entire book of revelation will as well stand as the evidence to believe in the events when fulfillment appears, therefore,the appearance of the seven messengers, seven lampstands and the seven stars becomes the standard of the fulfillment of Revelation. Let us see the thing through the actual reality.

◆The core content of Rev1:9-20

  (i) The beginning 

  (ii) Chosen one person among the captivated elects, set him as the one who represents God’s word. The same content in Ez1,2,3, chosen Ezekiel among the captivated ones, showed him spiritual world to him, let him eat up the opened scroll and let him proclaim the words to the rebellious Israelites.

  (iii)Jesus as the spiritual body and elects John,(put hand on him) and started to give instructions.

  (iv) The secrets of the seven lampstands and the seven stars, only revealed to one person(Amos 3:7)

◆The main content


 →At the time of prophecy: the Island of Patmos where Apostle John was.

→At the time of fulfillment: the Temple of Tabernacle where New John was(belonged to).


 →On the Lord’s day: the day when “(Lord started to do work)” since the appearance of the Lord.

→A loud voice like a trumpet: New John heard the voice of sending letters to the 7 churches after receiving the order( according to the instructions given on behalf of Jesus).

→The content is explained by New John this era NOT the actual words in Rev2-3.


→In the midst of the lampstands: Jesus who comes to and fro (the tabernacle temple) which means already the spirit of Jesus had already come to the tabernacle temple and is working.

→The lampstands: Ex25, Zec4:2 the pure golden lampstands Jer52:19, God’s tabernacle with seven pure golden lampstands.

→One “(like)” the son of man: because the image of Jesus is not in flesh but after the change which is the spiritual image after the change. (Rev2-3, Rev22:17, Mat17)

→The 7 stars on the right hand: Tell us that Jesus was working through the 7 stars. Refer (Rev2:5)


→Jesus put his right hand on New John:which means set the New John as the elected/appointed pastor in (1977)

→From this moment on the mission of New John started.

→The things that Jesus did to New John in Rev1

   ◆Instructed to send letters to the 7 stars.

   ◆Being put hand by Jesus and being selected in Autumn, 1977.

→Fear not:Because of spiritual body(afraid).


→Have the keys of death and hades: which means that Jesus has the wisdom of opening and closing the door of hell.(Rev20) put the Satan in the bottomless pit.

 →The things that you have seen: the image of Jesus’s body, the 7 stars and 7 golden lampstands.

→The thing that is taking place: the confusion of Satan.

→The thing that will be fulfilled: promised blessings ( the promises with conditions)


Why call it mystery!

Because the fact of the betrayal of the tabernacle and the church of the 7 lampstands and the 7 messengers, the earthly pastors don’t know it as well as the parties themselves don’t know as well.Only the New John(the pastor) who received the revelation from heaven knows the entities of the secrets of the book of revelation.

→The seven golden lampstands: The church of the seven lampstands ( tabernacle), use the seven churches at the time of 1st coming figuratively to show the tabernacle temple which prepared the way at the second coming.

→The seven stars: The seven messengers of the tabernacle temple.

★The star is in heaven=tabernacle temple(Rev 13:6), therefore the pastors of the heavenly tabernacle are figuratively spoken as the seven stars.

◆The conclusion:

 Five among the 16 items of the fulfillment of the book of revelation:

   ★Rev1:9-20, which is to guide the New John to send letters to the first tabernacle, Rev2-3 is the content of the letter.

   (i)The establishment of the first tabernacle 

   (ii)The New John joined the church of the first tabernacle.

   (iii) The New John went back to hometown from the first tabernacle 

   (iv) The Satan Nicolaitans invaded the first tabernacle.

   (v) The New John wrote letters to the First tabernacle.



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