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Long form Uni

Are you worried that your son won't be able to get into his University of choice?

You know he's smart and capable - his teachers have told you that he has promise.
But he isn't achieving his full potential...

His issues are not strictly academic; he doesn't seem to be able to stay focused on his schoolwork and sometimes doesn't follow through on his assignments.

Your son won't admit it, but he's frustrated. He's overwhelmed, feels like he's falling behind. And his lack of success has affected his self-confidence.
This vicious circle is hard to break.

You need a tutor that goes beyond academics.
You need someone who understands that your son needs support with his academic discipline, not just academic coursework.
It can't just be any tutor.
It has to be someone who can also help him manage his time, prioritize his tasks and get his homework all sorted.

At 'Brilliant Grades' we make sure to build our students' knowledge, competencies as well as academic discipline.

We'll handpick one of our local (background-checked) tutors who is a curriculum expert and vetted in each subject they teach.

Your tutor will also be a specialist in developing certain core life skills such as prioritization time management and work organization.


School closures? Keep your kids on track with online tutoring.

During coronavirus concerns, online tutoring can help!

Don’t let coronavirus infect your child’s academic progress.

'Brilliant Grades' can help with online tutoring.

Sign up today to get started!

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