Duties of an Admin ~ Hindi Chat

Duties of an Admin ~ Hindi Chat

The following should be ensured by the admins: 

#1. As an admin you are entitled to ensure that all the rules are being followed in the group, so that decorum and peace of the group is maintained.

#2. Don’t exercise your powers at your own convenience i.e don’t ban or mute any user unless and until you think he/she as violated the group rules. 

#3. Remember any user should not be banned at the very first time unless he/she is indulging in 18+ talks, sharing adult content.

#4. Instances where user(s) are found abusing or promoting discussion(s) that may turn out to offending like racism, political talks or heavily trolling other members ; an admin should intervene : 

(i) delete his/her chat(s) and issue a warning. 

(ii) If the above measures fail to bring any reform you may mute the user and in worst case(s) ban the user. 

#5. In case of Voice-Chats at-least one admin should be present and make sure discussion(s) about any other groups is not carried out (neither on voice chat nor on chat, if anyone found you may mute the users. 

#6. We are aware that you all have priorities in your life but make sure at-least in a time span of 24 hours stay active for “at-least” 1-2 hours and realize your duties. In-case, if anyone tags @admin consider it to be an emergency case and reply as soon as possible.

An admins can access following commands for enforcement of Rule(s):

First tag the message of the user, who is to be punished: 

/warn (Optional Reason) - Description : To add a warning to the user. Remember there are 3 warnings to a user. After this, a user gets banned for 1 a period of 10-15 days.

/mute - Description : Mutes an user unless you use a counter command, to unmute the user /unmute <@user-id/username>

/kick - Description : Kicks an user from the group although he can rejoin again

/ban - Description : Bans an user permanently unless you use a counter command, to unban user /unban <@user-id/username>

*Note: Only few admins are given rights to ban an user (for some reasons you may later be given the rights once you prove your stance for the group.

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