

Sergey Abbakumov

What do you think, what text editor is used by the developers of the Go programming language Rob Pike and Russ Cox, the developer of Unix Ken Thompson? What did Dennis Ritchie use? Emacs? Vim? Some kind of IDE? No. The answer is Acme ( Yes, imagine, there is such an editor. It was written in the nineties by Rob Pike for the Plan9 operating system in Alef language. Later the editor was ported to C.

In short, this is the environment for programmers. The emphasis is on text interaction and mouse control. Any piece of text can be executed as a command. The editor is completely tile, but it's a separate application, not a full-fledged window manager like i3 or Awesome.

As a demonstration of the possibilities of the editor Russ Cox recorded a screencast (, dedicated to Acme. It looks very impressive, given that he uses this editor daily. According to Russ, all colleagues, just looking at the monitor, can immediately say that this is his computer: the yellow background of the editor and the blue panels. By the way, Acme does not have syntax highlighting. Rob Pike and Acme users consider it useless and distracting.

Download and play with Acme here:

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