


I was born in Seoul on June 6, 2000. Even though I was born in Seoul, but moved to Jeju when I was 7 and I grew up on Jeju Island, the city that I adore the most. I live there with my whole family consisting of my mom, dad, two younger brothers and a younger sister. I have three beautiful moles on my right cheek, they look very pretty on me. My personal MBTI type is ENFP, I also dream of becoming a cool singer and songwriter. My hobby is playing musical instruments, especially the piano, I also like listening to music and singing. The last subjects I like are science and music. I specialize in dancing and playing football.

I have many nicknames ( Full Sun, Pudu, Chocoball, Donyeok, Haechanie, Haejjang, Teddy Bear, Millennium Boy, CherryTomato, Dongsukie, Ace.)

It's about my outfits, I can't stay away from leather jackets, ripped jeans, and black t-shirts, let alone an eraphone, oh God, I can't stay away from that damn thing. Adidas has always been my favorite brand, I mean who would hate something as cool as that?

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