About me

About me

[1 min 50 sec read]

Hi, my name is Samuel Riggio. 

I'm an Italian Graphic Designer born in 1997.

Since I was a child I was always attracted to how people communicate in the world through digital images, especially big brands like Apple and Google, they have always pushed me to desire the highest level ever.

In 2016 when I finished college, this passion for Design lead me to choose the best Design university based in Rome, IED (European Institute of Design).

This year I'm going to graduate and, in the meantime, I've been working since 2015 with individuals and businesses from all around the globe, specializing in Corporate Identity Design and Branding.

I love working with humans, not robots :D, find solutions to their problems and be able to tell a story with a good value behind it.

I'm not in competition with other designers because, in my opinion, we are like a big family that contributes to make the world a better place.

Every Designer has his original style; I always point to use a minimalist and aesthetic approach in my Design projects, every work is individual and so different and original from the others.

I tend to turn the complex to a reasoned simplicity because is what nowadays people need.

Design is constantly changing so I work hard to keep myself up to date. 

I love watching series and workout in my free time.

If you are interested in my works and you want to ask me a question, have a project inquiry or just want to say "Hi", message me.

Thank you so mouch for your time,

yours sincerely;


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